Wake Up (Kei Tsukishima)

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Sleep is amazing. My favorite thing, actually. My least favorite? Yeah, that's happening right now.

"Hey, wake up," said the voice of Tsukishima. I didn't dare open my eyes as he tried to wake me from my beloved nap on my desk.

"No..." I groaned, shutting my eyes tighter. The one thing I hated most was being woken up in the middle of a good nap.

His voice shifted to a more annoyed tone. "Get up."

With my eyes still closed, I mumble another refusal. "Uh uh..."

"Up," he ordered. He sounded like he was growing more and more irritated every second.

Me? I was still determined to keep sleeping. "How about no?"

"Too bad." Tsukishima seemed quite annoyed now. I was almost tempted to open my eyes to see just how much. But if I did that, I'd be giving in to what he wanted. "I'm not allowed to come back without you, so get up already."

"Not happening."

"Damn it, wake up!" he growled, shaking me slightly.

"Nope, nope, nope!" I hummed. Obviously, I was awake, but I was still refusing to get up. How could I resist a chance to mess with Kei Tsukishima like this?




"Yes," I smirked.

"No!" Realizing he'd just said the wrong thing, he got pissed. "Damn it!" he cursed, making me laugh. "Oh shut up!"

Shut up? "Okay," I smiled, snuggling my face into my arms and attempting to go back to sleep.

Realizing what he'd just said, he gave my arm a tug. "No! You get up!"

"I don't wanna..." I groaned. That was the last thing I wanted to do right now.

"Fine then..." Wait, he was actually giving up? That didn't seem like him.

Sure enough, giving up was the furthest thing from his mind."Hey!" I protested, my eyes snapping open as I was thrown over Tsukishima's shoulder. "That's not fair!"

But playing fair was the last thing he cared about. This had all been a game he'd just claimed victory. "Too bad."

Hitting him on the back and trying to kick him, I attempted to break loose. Though he was much bigger and stronger; we both were well aware of that. So any attempts to resist would be pointless. "I hate you," I sighed in defeat.

"I really don't care."

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