Smile (Tadashi Yamaguchi)

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As I was waiting for the day to go by, I felt myself starting to get a little nervous. The reason? I was about to have lunch with a girl. Just me and her. And she asked me. She even asked that Tsukki not be with us.

That's not something that happens ever. I mean, any time a cute girl talks to me it's always because she's interested in Tsukki. A girl never talks to me just to talk to me. Now that one was actually showing interest in me, my nerves were starting to go crazy.

My mind was flooded with a thousand 'what ifs.' What if I say something that upsets her? What if I do something stupid? What if she was just shy and really was only doing this to find out more about Tsukki?

The longer I waited, the longer the list grew. By the time lunchtime came around, I wasn't sure if I could actually go through with it. But once I'd seen her standing there in the doorway to my classroom with that cute smile of hers, I felt the nervousness melt away.

Now here we were, sitting outside, all alone. She was sitting a lot closer to me than I thought she would. I could feel my nerves beginning to act up once more. Should have seen that one coming, huh?

I stayed awkwardly quiet as I ate my lunch. My nerves had gotten the better of me and prevented me from saying anything out of fear that I may say something stupid or offensive. Of course, that hadn't exactly stopped me from blurting out the first words on my mind the very second I saw her lunch. "What is that?"

Her lunch was... well, let's say it looked weird. I wasn't even so sure it was even food. "Actually, I'm not really sure what it is," she giggled, her hand covering her mouth as she laughed. Such a cute laugh. "I just call it 'Mush.'"

"That looks..." I trailed off, not wanting to offend her with the word that came to mind. If she'd put a lot of work into it, then I'd feel like a complete jerk.

When I didn't finish my sentence, she quickly supplied a word for me. "Disgusting?"

"I wasn't going to say that..." The actually had been what I was thinking. But how could I possibly tell her that? She'd hate me if I did; I was sure of it.

"You were thinking it." She giggled a little and gave another cute smile. "But I think it looks pretty gross too. Dad's not good at making his food look good."

I was actually relieved knowing that she hadn't been the one to make it. Though I failed to see how anyone could make food look like that. "Your dad made that?"

"Yep." There was that cute smile again, making me fall for her even more than I already had. I almost didn't even hear what she was saying because I was so captivated by that smile of hers. "He likes to experiment with recipes and stuff. It always tastes great too. But..."

"Looks bad?" I suggested, finishing her sentence for her as she had for me. Of course, her response wasn't one I expected. "Um... what are you doing?"

She held up some of what she called 'Mush,' offering it to me. "Try it."

I really wanted to refuse. But how could I say no to such a cute girl? And she was giving me that cute smile of hers. There's no way I could refuse. I'll even bet that I'm blushing like crazy. "O-okay..." Gathering my courage, I gave it a try. "Hey, that's actually really good..."

The girl next to me giggled. "I told you so. Would I lie to you?" No, she wouldn't ever lie to me. She wasn't that type.

After that, we talked about anything we could. I was still nervous being around her; I mean, what guy wouldn't be nervous being around the girl he had a crush on? But still, as long as she kept giving me that cute smile, I was happy. Soon I'd forgotten everything I'd been worried about and even lost track of the time.

"Looks like lunch is over." If she hadn't said it, I probably would never have noticed. Time really does fly when you're having fun. She stood up, still smiling that cute smile. She leaned in close to my face and I felt something touch my cheek before she ran off. "Let's do this again sometime, Tadashi."

As I watched her leave, I couldn't help but smile. Then as it dawned on me what she'd just done, I felt my face go red. She'd just kissed me. Maybe there hadn't been any reason to be so nervous after all.

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