Breaking Point (Hajime Iwaizumi)

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Wizzy: Just an idea I had that I just had to write. Iwa-chan might be a little out of character. The night after I started writing this, I actually had a dream relating to this.

I'd lost count of how many times I've felt like this. I've lost count of how many times he's been there to help me pick myself up when I fall too close to the edge.

As much as I loved my hometown, I'd always felt so trapped here. Slowly it ate away at me, pushing me closer and closer to my breaking point. If not for my wonderful best friend, who was also my boyfriend, I'd have lost the fight a long time ago.

"Let's go," Iwaizumi said abruptly, looking down at me as I leaned on his shoulder.

Slowly I raised my head to looked him. What could he possibly mean? "Go where?"

"Let's run away together," he said, smiling that sweet smile of his. "Go far away from here, maybe even leave Japan. We'll find somewhere nice to settle down and get married. Maybe even have kids."

Run away? It seemed like such a crazy idea, but in a way, it was also sort of romantic. "You can't do that, Iwa-chan." Even though that sounded wonderful and I had nothing to keep me here, Iwaizumi had so much here. His friends... family... volleyball... "You can't leave Oikawa behind. And what about volleyball? Could you really give it up?"

He turned us so that we were facing each other. "That stuff doesn't matter. You're miserable here, aren't you?"

That was true, but I could never ask him to give up everything because of that. "If you're here with me, I'm not." As long as Iwaizumi was by my side, I could survive.

"Then let's do it."

He looked so serious about it, but I wasn't sure if he really was. After all, he always looked serious. That's just how he was. "Sometimes I really can't tell if you're serious."

"Can't say I would mind running away with you." Iwaizumi's arms wrapped around me, pulling me against his chest. "But even if I'm not being completely serious about running away, there's one thing I'm serious about." He leaned in a pressed a quick kiss on my lips, his words bringing a smile to my face. "And that is that I love you."

"Do you really mean that?"

"Would I say it if I didn't?" Iwaizumi press a gentle kiss to my forehead. "Though if you change your mind about running away with me, I'll always be ready to go."


"Think we should carry out our little plan?" my boyfriend joked.

Oikawa looked at him and then at me. He had no idea what we were talking about. "What plan?"

"I don't know... Oikawa might be depressed if he misses the you-know-what," I said, teasing Oikawa a bit.

He was even more lost now. "If I miss what?" I felt a little sorry for him; he probably felt so left out. But I wasn't about to tell him our little plan. What would be the point in having a secret plan if you're going to tell people about it?

"I think I'd prefer if he missed it." Iwaizumi wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tightly as if Oikawa weren't even there. "It'd be a lot more fun without him."

"You're so mean Iwa-chan!"

Wizzy: Okay, so the dream is what happened after running away with Iwa-chan. Didn't say a thing to anyone, not even Oikawa. We got married and lived on a giant farm. We had a daughter and a little bunny name Effie. And at some point, Iwa-chan was sad because he missed Oikawa. I was woken up before I could finish it.

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