Fishy Situation (Miya Twins)

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Wizzy: So... I wanted to write some Merman Osamu fluff... I started writing and then I was hit with an idea. Merman Osamu fluff? Nah. How 'bout some Yandere Mermen Miya Twins instead? I don't normally go into the whole yandere thing, but can you honestly name one time you saw a fic about a yandere merman? I don't think so!


I've always loved the water. Be it a pool... a river... a lake... the ocean... it could even be as small as a light, sprinkling of rain... It didn't matter how big or small; I loved it all the same.

The cool wind blew through my hair as we pulled the boat to a stop. It wasn't the smartest idea to come out so far when it was only the two of us, but I didn't care. The sea had been calling to me...

"So, are we going to check out the island or nah?" My dear friend, Mochi as I liked to call him, asked as he stretched a bit.

We'd decided to go out on a boat for a few days, seeing as we were on our summer break. This was day two and we'd come across what looked to be a deserted island. After doing a couple of circles around it, we had yet to decide if we wanted to dare set foot on it.

"What's the worst that could happen?" I flashed him my usual playful grin.

He rolled his eyes at me. "Oh I don't know... maybe the island is inhabited by cannibals. Or maybe there's vicious beasts just waiting to tear us apart. Oh! Or maybe it's home to a tribe of sex-crazed incubi."

Ever the sarcastic pessimist... but I wouldn't have him any other way. Honestly, if he were into girls, I'd probably have developed a crush on him by now.

Not that it would have worked out though... I had too much of a reputation for any guy to go for someone like me. Didn't matter though. Mochi was my best friend and that was more than enough for me.

"Ok, Captain Optimistic..."

Mochi shook his head at me. "You'd probably actually like if it were full of sex-crazed incubi..." He turned to head below deck. "I want to check on a few things and then we'll go check it out. Don't fall overboard." As he vanished into the cabin area below, I turned to look out at the water.

It was beautiful out here. The way the sunshine reflected off the water was stunning. I could spend forever out here. It would certainly be better than back at school. No rules... no reputation... no worries about if anyone would ever love someone like me... and nothing to remind me of my mother and the way she'd abandoned me and dad... For me, this was paradise.

A wave hit the side of the boat, throwing me off balance. Just as I was catching myself, a second one hit. I fell and reached for something... anything that I could grab onto to save myself. My fingers just barely skimmed the railing before I hit the water.

The first instinct is panic. I could feel myself sinking quickly. I flailed my arms, trying desperately to make it back to the surface, but it was no use.

The further that I sank, the more it sunk in. My body grew scarily calm and I stopped struggling... I'm going to die...

This isn't how I wanted to go... and it really wasn't the right time... but what choice was there? All I could do was wait for the end...

Mochi... I'm sorry...

My eyes opened to bright sunlight and something soft pressed firmly against my mouth. When I stir, whatever it is moved off of me.

"Look! She's wakin' up. Told ya it would work."

"Shut up... it was yer fault she stayed under so long."

Blinking, I glanced in the directions of the voices. There on the sand were two strangers. From the waist up, they were perfectly human. Shirtless, but human. Waist down... the tail of a fish. Mermen. One was silver; the other was gold.

Am I dead? It wouldn't be hard to believe... Mochi would have rescued me if I were still alive... and there was currently no sign of my friend. But... my body was aching too much for all this to be not real... and for me to be dead.

Carefully I sat up, one of the merman's hands immediately going to my back to help me. Sand... a few large rocks... water as far as the eye could see... and not a single sign of the boat that Mochi and I had been on.

It's definitely the same island... the same area. I know this because of those three rocks just offshore. I remembered pointing them out to my best friend, saying how they looked like a dick and balls. He'd laughed and simply called me a pervert.

The two mermen didn't mention him. Maybe they hadn't seen him? That wouldn't have made sense though... because unless he purposely left me... Mochi wouldn't do something like that... right?

"Where's Mochi?" A gut feeling told me that I didn't want to know, but I can't just pretend that nothing had happened. If Mochi really did just leave me out here... the sooner I found out, the better off I would be.

"What's a Mochi?"

"Wait, was that Mr. Stick Up His Ass?"

"Oh! Ya mean that lil boyfriend of hers."

"What do we tell her? Should we tell her we got rid of him?"

They talked like I wasn't right there... like I wasn't hearing everything that they said. And what was this about Mochi being my boyfriend? Wait... what did he mean by they "got rid of him"?

My eyes widened as it set in. They had something to do with all of this. They weren't just some kindhearted rescuers... they caused the situation in the first place.

I tried to stand up quickly, to get away from these strangers. But before I had the chance, an arm wrapped around my waist from behind, pinning me tightly against a broad chest.

"You're not going anywhere, sweetheart..."

The golden-haired one smirked as he leaned over me. "You're all ours... You can try to run as much as you like... but we'll always catch ya..."

"'s not easy to make an entire boat disappear, ya know... Went through a lot of trouble for ya..."

There's something soft and warm pressed against the back of my neck. Before I had the chance to react to it though, the male in front of me was claiming my lips.

Under any other circumstances, I'd love to be pressed up between two very hot guys... twin mermen, no less... But this? This isn't some ordinary situation.

"I get her first, Samu..." The front twin's lips part from me, speaking to the silver twin behind me.

The silver twin, Samu, didn't sound like he liked that one. "The hell ya do... I saw her first, Tsumu."

"Wouldn't even have her if it wasn't for my brilliant plan."

"I could have come up with something just as good."

"Could just share her... but I'm not sure she could handle both of us at once..." The blonde smirked at me. "But... I think we should try it anyway..."

Any other time, I'd jump at an opportunity like this... but right now, every instinct I have is screaming danger. They're not giving me the chance to refuse though. Knowing that they had no problems with getting rid of Mochi though, going along with whatever it was they wanted seemed to be the safest choice. It wasn't like I had any way to get out of here anyway...

As Osamu felt me starting to relax, he loosened his grip on my waist. "Be good for us and we'll be good to ya... 's not like we want to hurt ya..."

"Well... maybe just a little... but it'll hurt in a good way..." Atsumu ran his hand through my wet hair.

Osamu's lips pressed to my neck again. "We'll keep ya safe... promise..."

Slowly I nodded. If they had planned to hurt me, they wouldn't have even bothered to pull me out of the water. I still don't trust them, but what choice do I have? For now, I'll play along... I'll do what they want.

Maybe when they get tired of me, they'll let me go...

But just as I thought that, I felt Atsumu's breath against my ear. "Scream if ya want, sweetheart... makes no difference... No one will ever hear... and we're never letting ya go..."

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