Adorable (Yuuki Shibayama)

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Wizzy: Yeah... you probably don't want to know where this one came from... But can we just take a minute to fangirl over this little ball of adorableness?

"So about the tourna- whoa you're adorable!" My attention instantly shifted from the volleyball team's captain to a short fellow in red. No longer interested in the previous conversation, I approached the little ball of cuteness that had captured my attention.

"You are seriously adorable as hell," I said, placing a hand on each side of the boy's face and squishing his cheeks. "Are you a first-year? You look like a first year. First years are always so adorable. What's your name?"

I knew almost everyone at our school, so I assumed he was from another school. Oh yeah, Tanaka had mentioned something about a practice match with a school called Neko-something-or-other. "Yuuki Shibayama..." he said, his voice messed up by my hands still squishing his cheeks and squealing over his cuteness.

"Even your name is cute," I squealed like a fangirl, still not letting the boy go. It was actually a bit surprising that he hadn't done anything to try and stop me yet. Then again he might be afraid to try anything.

Several others wearing identical red clothing stood a little ways away, most of them laughing at the helpless boy. Some were even making jokes and teasing little Shibayama, who was actually beginning to look a little freaked out. "Who are you?"

"Oh, you can just call me Captain. Or Senpai. Whatever you like," I said, my voice way too calm and happy for the situation. Still haven't stopped touching his face and giggling over how adorable he was. "You're just so cute and innocent looking."

My words weren't missed by my dear friend Tanaka, who knew me well enough to know the words I was thinking but not saying. "Why don't you say the rest of what you're thinking?" he said, laughing at me.

"Hmm... I probably shouldn't. Wouldn't want to scare the boy." Even if it sounded like an excuse and probably worse than it really was, I couldn't exactly tell a first-year that he looked so cute and innocent that it made me want to teach him not-so-innocent things. That was especially true when the one thinking it is a weirdo like me.

"You know her, Tanaka?" I didn't see who spoke; I just knew it was no one I knew.

"She's the one in charge of the Misfits Club."

"Misfits Club?"

"It's a club for people who want to join a club but can't really do anything," I said, finally releasing the poor boy. It wasn't a surprise that they didn't know about it; I was the one who created the thing after all. "We also function as a cheer squad for the sports clubs when they go to tournaments. And sometimes we help out the other clubs when they need an extra hand."

"Basically they're a group of students who aren't wanted in any of the clubs," Tanaka said, summing it all up in one sentence. Of course, his explanation wasn't as pretty as mine. "Most of them are troublemakers or outcasts."

"That's a very mean way to put it, Ryu," I scolded before returning my attention to the adorable Shibayama who was trying to slip away during the brief distraction. But I turned around faster than he could run, so he didn't even have a chance.

"I never said you were like that, Captain."

One of the guys in red looked at me with an expression I couldn't quite read. "Captain, huh? So you're a third-year then?"

"Actually I'm a second year," I said calmly, still not taking my attention away from the little ball of pure adorableness named Yuuki Shibayama. "No one else in the club is smart or mature enough to be in charge."

"In other words, she's the normal one?" another of the Ball of Adorableness's teammates asked with an eyebrow raised.

Tanaka, once again, was quick to answer with a not-so-nice explanation. "She might seem normal, but she'd definitely got a few screws loose. She's the only one who can keep the troublemakers in line though. Besides Daichi and Ennoshita."

"Yeah." I didn't bother with arguing with or scolding my classmate. My attention was still almost completely focused on my little ball of absolute adorableness. "You're so adorable!" I squealed to myself, squishing the poor boy's cheeks.

"Hey Ryu, isn't she the one you said you-" Tanaka's hand instantly covered his short friend's mouth, effectively stopping him from saying whatever it was that Tanaka didn't want him to say.

Being curious, I started to ask about it, but I was cut off by a first-year from my club. "Senpai!" he shouted out, running up to me and finally forcing my attention away from Shibayama. The ball of adorableness then used that as a chance to finally escape. "The third years are doing it again!"

As much as I wished I didn't, I knew exactly what he meant. "Doing what?"

I almost didn't want to say it. My club's reputation was bad enough as it was, but I figured I might as well tell. After all, the third years were most definitely going to be severely punished for doing this again. "Smashing lizards with rocks," I sighed, before following the little first year to where the troublesome senpais were getting into mischief.


Tanaka shook his head as he watched her leave. "I really feel sorry for those third years..."


He got chills just thinking about what was about to happen. "She might be harmless and a bit timid most of the time, but she's even scarier than Daichi when she's angry or disciplining her club members..."

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