Rolling Spider (Yuu Nishinoya)

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Wizzy: A requested spider reaction. I thought it was funny.

When your boyfriend is Yuu Nishinoya, nothing surprises you. That little ball of cuteness is anything but normal, yet I wouldn't trade him for anything. So whenever I hear random shouting coming from whatever room he's in, I usually just calmly see what it is that he's doing.

And right now, he was currently in the bathroom staring at something in the corner. Looking closer, I spotted a little spider sitting on the wall of the shower. Nishinoya hadn't noticed my presence, so I stayed quiet and watched to see what he was going to do.

In his hand was something, I couldn't quite tell what exactly it was. Knowing him, he had that serious and cutely intimidating expression he had on his face during volleyball matches. "Rolling... Spider Crusher!" he shouted out, tossing whatever object was in his hand at the helpless little spider. It hit the wall with a large amount of noise, missing the spider, who crawled up an inch further on the wall before stopping.

"Noya, what are you doing?" I giggled, startling him.

He smiled, but I had a feeling he was a little embarrassed to be caught like this. "Spider... shower..." He pointed to the spider I'd seen him try to kill by throwing who knows what at it. "I was just trying to get rid of it."

I quickly scanned the small room for the right object for squishing a spider. Spotting something, I picked it up and handed it to my adorable boyfriend. "Try hitting it with this," I said. Then as I saw him getting ready to throw it at the spider, I stopped him. "Hit him, not throw it at him."

A tiny hint of pink showed on his cheeks. "I knew that." He bravely approached the eight-legged creature. For what seemed like a long time, he stared at it, prepared to take care of the little spider. Then out of nowhere, he hands me the object I'd given him to use on the spider. "You do it..."

Yes, there were no surprises from Yuu Nishinoya. "Alright," I told him, pressing a quick kiss to his cheek. "But next time you better be able to take care of it on your own."

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