The Greatest Lie (Issei Matsukawa)

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Oikawa: Wizzy-senpai Is sharing some old emotional scars with this one today. Obviously, this isn't exactly how everything happened, but there's much truth to it.
Wizzy: I was feeling down for a minute and then I suddenly wrote this. High school... was not a happy time for me...

The greatest lie ever told... it was never one meant to hurt. It's one that you'll never recognize as a lie... and one that will never, ever fade from existence...

I'm okay.

It's okay.

I'm fine.

Everything is fine.

The words might change a bit, but in the end, it's the same old lie. Paint the picture of perfection, even if the smile is just a mask... even if the glass in the frame is cracked... Say that everything is as it should be, even when the world around you is collapsing.

This lie... it's the only lie that I will ever tell.

Today... I'm sure that it's been the absolute worst day of my life. Nothing today has gone right.

It's the first day back to school after summer break... High school hasn't been fun for me, so right from the start, we're in a bad place. To make matters worse, my boyfriend of six months had broken up with me during the break.

He hadn't bothered with saying that old "It's not you, it's me" line... No, he'd straight up told me that it was my fault... and really, it was my own fault... Because I was a screw-up... because I could never let anyone in... never open up... not even to him, who had tried to get close to me when no one else had dared.

Today would be the first time that I'd see him since the breakup... and my heart wasn't ready for that. Just my luck that he was in my class too.

Beyond that, nothing went right. My locker wouldn't even open at first... had to fight with it for a full fifteen minutes just to get it to open.

When lunch came around, any spot that had been near any of my "friends" was taken just before I could get to it, by some stranger that I was sure I'd never seen until today. In the end, I was forced to sit all alone, at a table off in the corner.

All day, I was a complete wreck. Just when I would think that I was finally okay, I'd break down again and start to cry all over again. The years were always silent though and if anyone had noticed them at all, they didn't even bother to pretend they cared.

No one even bothered to stop and ask if I was okay... No one even bothered to say even one word... Was I really that good at pretending? Or was it just that no one cared?

By the end of the day, I'm wishing that I were dead. I felt so miserable that I just wanted it all to be over... I wanted to tear my heart right out of my chest and throw it away... maybe then it would all stop hurting.

As I go to turn a corner of the hallway, I stop abruptly to avoid colliding with someone.

I recognize him. He's one of my senpai... a guy named Matsukawa. We've never spoken, but I've seen him around the school. There's no way that he has any idea who I am though. No one really knew me...

"You okay?" It's an innocent question and probably only asked because I probably look like I'm about to completely break down.

I'm fine.

My lips moved to form the words, but no sound comes out, my feelings making my voice completely break. It's then that I break... tears starting to flow once again.

Matsukawa doesn't say anything, letting me just sob helplessly into his chest. I know that this is probably just him feeling sorry for me. He has no idea what's going on and I'm in no condition to talk, so what more could he do besides stand there and let me have a shoulder to cry on for a minute? That much is enough though... even if it's done purely out of pity.

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