1309 (Koutaro Bokuto)

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Wizzy: Just a very random idea I had. Surprisingly I finished it all in one day. If you don't get it by the end, feel free to ask.
Also, Bokuto is older in this one. Probably somewhere around 25-26ish maybe.  

This wasn't the way he'd expected this night to go. Bokuto never meant to upset his lover, but he had. Now here he sat, leaning against the door to their hotel room. He wasn't even sure what it was he'd done or maybe it was something he'd said, but all that mattered was that he was told to get out and the door was locked behind him.

He buried his face in his arms that rested atop his knees. It wasn't his fault... maybe he'd just drank a little too much earlier... He didn't really mean what he'd said or done.

Silently he hoped for someone to come along and cheer him up, just like his teammates always used to do back when he was still in high school. But nothing happened at all. That is, not until a young girl passed his way.

She stopped and looked at him, her heart already going out to him. He looked so pitiful sitting there on the floor... she couldn't just walk on as her companion had. So instead she knelt in front of the man, gently placing a hand on his arm. She could tell that he was hurting and it was just her personality to help him.

"Are you alright?" she asked him as his eyes shift upwards to meet hers.

The former ace is surprised by her kindness towards him, a complete stranger. But even more surprising is her eyes, the brilliant shade that they were. They were definitely the kind of eyes that you could get lost in without even trying.

He briefly considers the idea of cheating on his cruel lover who had locked him out with this lovely girl who now stood before him. However, she looked much younger than him; she was probably still in high school.

Before he can say a word, the girl's companion stops and calls back to her. "Are you coming?" The man seemed impatient, but also like he had a good reason to be. Also, Bokuto swore that the guy was glowing, but that may have just been the alcohol messing with his mind. "You know what could happen if you stay much longer."

The girl just shook her head. "I can't go yet." She looked at Bokuto. "Fate has called me. This is my sign to stay." She smiled back at her older male companion. "I'm still needed here."

The glowing man sighs and leaves the girl behind. Bokuto does not understand what was going on between the two, but he is glad to have someone with him right now. Soon enough, he's telling the strange girl all about his volleyball days and basically his entire life story, ending with how his lover had kicked him out of their room.

The girl kindly listens, saying words of encouragement every so often when she notices his mood slipping. Soon the hour had gotten quite late and Bokuto was still locked out of his room. The girl, being the kind soul that she was, pulled a piece of ribbon from around her neck. On it was an old key, much older than Bokuto's room key had looked and this bore four numbers engraved on it.

"If you have nowhere else to go, you can use my room," she kindly offered, noticing him looking more and more sleepy by the minute. The girl couldn't possibly let him sleep out in the hallway; he might get robbed or assaulted or even murdered! He was too kind for such a terrible thing like those to happen to him. "It's Room 1309 on the top floor." She pressed the key into his hand. "It's the one with the older-looking door with the worn numbers on it."

As she stood and turned away, Bokuto stared down at the key in his hand. He looked back up at her and was about to ask her something, but she was already gone. Bokuto frowned to himself; he never even got to ask her for her name.

Extended Ending:

The next morning, Bokuto approached the man who was working at the front desk. Ever since his encounter with her the night before, he couldn't get that girl off of his mind. Maybe he'd been a bit drunk at the time, but he knew that moment was real because of that key that she'd given him.

"Hey!" the former ace of Fukurodani said a little too loudly, startling the man who'd appeared to have been writing something. "Could you tell me the name of the girl who's in Room 1309? It's the one with the funny-looking door on the top floor."

The man went deathly pale. "No one's been in 1309 for years," he said, wondering what could possibly possess someone to ask such a question. "That room was used by the owner's teenage daughter up until about seven or eight years ago when she was murdered in that room."

Bokuto's blood ran cold. If no one had used that room in years, then who was that girl who said she was staying in that room?

"No one has been able to stay in there since then," the man shuddered. Normally he wasn't supposed to ever mention Room 1309, but the seemed like it was important. "The room is haunted and not even the staff will go in there. Though we did lose the key a few years after her death. I'm afraid we haven't-" The man's eyes went wide as Bokuto pulled out the key that the girl had given him. "Where did you get that?"

"Some girl gave it to me last night," Bokuto explained, just as confused as the man was. "My partner kicked me out last night so she gave me it and told me that if I needed a place to stay, I could use her room on the top floor, Room 1309."

It was at that moment that Bokuto learned that ghosts really do exist.

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