Claim (Osamu Miya)

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Wizzy: So, I know I've been slacking a bit, but finally got something finished. Just a lil Osamu Omegaverse thing this time. (Can you tell who's been on my brain lately based on the past few one-shots in this book?)
Alpha Osamu, Omega Reader. Honestly considered going the lemon route here, but decided against it. So I tried to go the cute and fluffy route.


The life of an Omega isn't an easy one. Until recent years, no one even cared about the rights of Omegas. An alpha could forcibly claim an omega and no one would even bat an eye. It didn't matter that the Omega didn't want to be bonded with that alpha... they'd be stuck with them for a mate for the rest of their lives.

Things today aren't like that, but now and then, there's always an alpha who thinks he's above everyone and doesn't care if the Omega he wants, wants him in return. A certain alpha a year above me, Soujiro Hijikata, was exactly that kind of alpha... and the Omega that he wanted, just so happened to be none other than yours truly...

"All alone, cutie?" he purred, a disgusting smirk on his face.

I'd always taken great care to avoid being alone with him, but you can only do so much... Rather than waste my breath, I simply tried to move around him. The minute I stepped to one side, he followed, blocking my path. Try the other side and he does it again. Over and over, until he stepped towards me, forcing me to move backward.

This little dance continued until I felt my back hit the wall. Immediately I realized that I was cornered. My hands went straight to my neck, blocking him from being able to access that sensitive flesh where he'd have to mark me. It's not much of a defense, but it's all that I can do.

His grin widened. "You think that's enough to stop me? Silly little Omega..." He reached toward me, attempting to grab me by the wrist.

"Paws off, buddy." The pushy Alpha's hand is shoved away as a familiar figure slid in between us.

The Alpha's grin turned to a snarl. "Mind your own business, Atsumu."

"Yeah... I don't think so." Knowing Atsumu, he's either got that signature smirk of his or that nasty glare that he gives his noisy fangirls on his face. "She's spoken for and ya know it. Fuck off."

I gripped the back of Atsumu's t-shirt... he must have just come from volleyball practice. It's entirely possible that this could turn into a physical fight. Two strong alphas with differing opinions on an omega? That practically spells a fight. Hijikata's eyes flick between Atsumu and me.

After a moment of consideration, he stepped back and walked away. It wasn't worth the hassle. By the time he would have gotten through Atsumu, I could have run off and been long gone... or Osamu could have shown up, and then it would have been two against one. After all, no one was allowed to hurt Atsumu besides Osamu.

Once he was out of sight, I released my death grip on the blonde's shirt. Atsumu turned around to face me, stepping back to give me a little space. "Thanks, Tsumu."

His hand went to the top of my head, ruffling my hair. "No thanks needed. What kind of alpha doesn't protect his sis? Especially against scum who try to force-mark helpless little omegas..."

We're not related in the slightest, not by blood... but since I was dating his twin, Atsumu had taken to treating me like a sibling. Osamu and I had been together for almost a year now, but we had yet to become an officially mated pair. He hadn't made any attempts to claim me, so I never brought the subject up. It was fine with me since I wasn't sure I wanted to be claimed by someone yet.

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