Be Gentle (Yutaro Kindaichi)

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Wizzy:  Okay, so this one's actually very lame. But I swear it was really cute in my head.  

A small meow distracted me from my studying. A black and white cat stood right next to where I sat with my study buddy Kindaichi.

"I wouldn't pet him, he doesn't like people," Kindaichi warned. Of course, I was already petting the cat and it seemed to be enjoying it. Warning proven useless. "That's weird... normally he'll scratch you before you can even get close."

In an attempt to take advantage of his cat's friendly mood, he reached over to try and pet him. Though the cat wasn't happy with that and swatted at him automatically. Kindaichi hissed in pain and jerked his hand back.

"Are you okay?" Taking his hand in mine, I looked it over, completely missing the blush that appeared at my touch. "It doesn't look that bad. You should let me clean it though, that way it won't get infected."

After being led to the bathroom, I quickly set about cleaning the small scratch on the back of his hand. "There," I said with a smile as I carefully placed a band-aid over the cut.

"Thanks..." This time I didn't miss the red tint that cover his cheeks. Kindaichi placed an arm on each side of me, caging me between him and the bathroom sink. My heartbeat quickened and I opened my mouth to ask what he was doing but was quickly stopped by a pair of lips meeting my own.

As I kissed back, he pushed me so that my back was pressing against the sink's edge. My hands moved up to rest against his chest. But as he tried to press against me more, I had to push him away. That was when I saw the hurt look on his face. I had to apologize...

"Sorry-" We'd both tried to apologize at the same time. I couldn't resist a giggle.


His sad face turned into a surprised one as I smiled up at him. "Sorry I had to push you away, but the edge of the sink was digging into my back. It was kinda painful."

"Sorry about that..." Kindaichi apologized, scratching at the back of his head shyly as another blush appeared. "I didn't mean to push so hard."

"I'll forgive you on one condition." He raised an eyebrow as my hands moved his arms around my waist. I smiled, pulling his face down to mine. "Kiss me again?"

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