Make A Move (Issei Matsukawa)

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Wizzy: I ended up making this one into an actual story. It's called "Just One Night."

He's long since lost count of how many times he's been here. This situation is nothing new to him and, if he's honest, he's long since gotten used to it.

Matsukawa tries to ignore Hanamaki. His eyes are too focused on a young woman sitting over at the bar. She's an attractive girl and appears to be about their age, though sometimes appearances can be deceiving.

She looks like she's alone, but a girl that looked like that couldn't possibly be single. The mysterious girl sits there, drinking what appears to be some sort of fruity drink, if the pinkish color is any indication. There's a halfhearted smile on her face as the bartender chats with her, but her eyes stay on her drink where she keeps poking at with her straw.

He wants to talk to her; to go up and start a conversation, but he already knows how that would end. He's not like his old teammate Oikawa; he can't just look at a girl and have her just throw herself at him. He's not like Hanamaki either; he's not the kind of guy who can walk up to someone so easily even when he knows that he'll be rejected.

"Just go talk to her already," his best friend repeats for what's probably the hundredth time tonight.

Matsukawa stares down at the table. He knows there's no chance of anything happening. Hanamaki probably knows that too, but that's not going to stop him from encouraging his best friend to make a move.

Before he has a chance to say anything, the seat next to the girl opens up. The guy who'd previously been sitting there stood up and left with some girl who'd been on the other side of him. Apparently, she really had come here alone. That was actually kind of sad, but for Matsukawa and Hanamaki, it was a good sign.

"Would you look at that... she's alone," Hanamaki said, nodding towards the girl Matsukawa had been staring at for the past hour. "Here's your chance."

The former middle blocker shook his head. "You know she wouldn't be interested."

"No, I don't." Hanamaki gave his best friend a nudge. If he didn't already have a girlfriend, then he'd go talk to her himself; but he did, so he wasn't going to give up until he'd forced Matsukawa to at least give it a try. "Destiny is calling you and telling you to get off your ass and make a move already."

As easy as it was for Hanamaki to say that, it wasn't that easy for Matsukawa to do. But no matter how many times he claimed it was pointless, his best friend never gave up on it. He even went so far as to get some random woman, nearly earning Hanamaki a nice punch in the face from her boyfriend, to try and talk him up and get him feeling more confident.

After some time, Hanamaki finally got through. But there was still one problem: Matsukawa lacked the courage to actually approach her. Of course, there was an easy remedy for that.

As the two boys were busy fixing that, a man started to approach the woman. It's clear that she doesn't want to talk to him and he's getting too pushy. Matsukawa's eyes shift upwards just in time to see it.

One last shot of something strong is all he needed to find his courage.

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