Roles Reversed (Atsumu Miya)

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Wizzy: Oddly, this is Wizzy's first time trying to write Omegaverse stuff. Just pure, kill-me-with-the-cuteness fluff here, starring Atsumu! Also maybe some tiny elements borrowed from my relationship with my current IRL boyfriend.


All my life I've been told that I shouldn't have been born an alpha. If I'm being honest, I'd have to say that I agreed.

Alphas were strong, proud. They protect their Omega and take on the role of the head of their family. Alphas weren't weak... they weren't fragile... Alphas... were everything that I've never been.

All my life, I thought for sure that I'd never be mated. What Omega wants an Alpha who was fragile and could collapse at any given time? They would have had to be crazy.

Most of all though...alphas, more often than not, were male. Female alphas were so rare that I've never known of any... aside from myself.

It wasn't uncommon for Omegas to be male, but for the most part, they were female. There were two male omegas that had a similar situation as mine though. They should have been born alphas, but it seemed that fate had a grander scheme for them... and myself.

I reached into the hot, soapy water, scrubbing away at the plate. The morning was rather quiet. It was a perfect time to do some chores around the house since this happened to be one of those times when I felt well enough to be up and moving around.

Ever since birth, I'd had a rather weak body. At a moment's notice, I could grow weak and collapse... My immune system was rather vulnerable as well. If I wasn't careful to take care of my health, I could get very sick. When I was young, they tried to research the cause of it, but nothing was found. Ultimately, it was decided that it was exclusive to me and that it couldn't be passed on to anyone else.

My mate would be very thankful for that.

Thinking back, if our roles were reversed, he never would have ended up with me. If he'd been born an alpha, he would have certainly been far out of the reach of a weakling like me. It had been pure chance that we'd gotten together in the first place.

"You're just going to let me go? After all that?"

"I just wanted to help you... Those alphas just wanted to dominate you because you're too bold for an omega."

"And ya didn't want me for yourself? Alright. Claim me."

"You sure?"

"Ya might not be strong like the other alphas, but you managed to outsmart me. Caught me fair and square."

"I thought you didn't want to mate with an alpha."

"If I'm going to have to submit to an alpha, then it might as well be one that's actually worthy of me."

The memory of that night never failed to bring a smile to my face. Once a year, our hometown would have a little event. A mating hunt, of a sort. Omegas would run off into the nearby woods and then the alphas would attempt to catch someone. The event was purely voluntary, of course, and only open to unmated alphas and omegas over the age of sixteen.

I'd joined in on a whim. Part of me worried for a certain pair of omegas though. They were twins and had been very vocal about not wanting to be mated. Naturally, it was a red flag that they would participate in such an event. Later I learned that their parents forced them to.

One twin escaped without being mated. The other twin... became mine. At my mate's request, I agreed to look after his twin as well, treating him like my mate as well if he needed it.

Over time, we grew to love each other. Seven years later and were still as strong as ever. I'm even still looking after both of them. Not that my mate needed me to protect him, of course ...

"Mornin'," His sleepy voice startled me, making me nearly drop the plate tasty I'd just started rinsing. Atsumu only laughed and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. "Samu leave already?"

I nodded. "He left just after I got up. Said something about having to go in earlier to do prep... Apparently, he had to fire that guy he had helping him out. Something about catching him stealing..."

Atsumu nuzzled my cheek a bit. "Too bad I'm too busy to help him out..."

"Osamu's been teaching me to cook  a bit..." I turned my head to give the blonde a quick peck on the lips. "He said that once I get a little better and if my health stays stable like it's been, he'll let me help him out around the shop."

Atsumu's lips quirked into a grin. "That would be great. You could even tag along whenever he brings us lunch... and then I can show off my pretty little alpha to the team."

It would be just like him to want to show me off. I've met one of his teammates before when he'd come over to visit for a moment. Bokuto was quite a sweetheart. Naturally, he was mated. His omega was quite a sweetheart herself... or so it seemed from the way he talked about her. I had yet to meet the woman.

With my health so fragile though, I tried to not leave the house. Whenever I did go out, Atsumu or Osamu would accompany me, just in case something happened. If it was for groceries, it was always Osamu. Anything else though, it would usually be Atsumu.

Atsumu gave me another nuzzle before kissing my cheek. "You feeling alright though? You're not sore, are ya? Sorry I got so rough with ya last night..." Their match yesterday had gotten him very riled up. "You can take it easy today if you need to."

"Atsumu, I'm fine." His concern was sweet though. When I first met him, I would have never guessed that he could act so caring. He'd probably be an amazing father if he could. With my health though, we weren't sure if I would even survive giving birth to a child. Besides, he didn't really have that kind of time, being a celebrity volleyball player. So for the time being, a family was out of the question.

Atsumu planted one more kiss, this time on the top of my head. "I believe you... but don't push yourself too hard, alright? You've been doing really well lately... I want to keep it that way."

Well fell into a comfortable silence as I finished washing the dishes. The whole time, Atsumu didn't let go. That was nothing new; he did this on a regular basis. The blonde insisted that it was to make sure that I wouldn't collapse or fall over and hurt myself somehow. In truth though, I think that it was just an excuse for him to be clingy and cuddly.

"Hey, Atsumu?" He hummed, waiting for me to go on. "Do you ever think about what it would have been like if you and Osamu had been born alphas and I was an omega?"

It was something that I thought about a lot, but I wasn't sure if he thought about it too. "Of course. It's not like it matters though. I would have ended up with you even if I'd been the alpha."

As sweet as it was to hear, it was a lie. "There's no way you would have ever looked at a fragile little omega like me... not when you would have your pick of all the omegas." Sure, this was a hypothetical scenario, but it was still sad to think about. If I had been an omega, I never would have participated in the hunt that day. In that case, I wouldn't have met with Atsumu.

"Fate would have made it happen, one way or another," he stated, spinning me around to face him. His warm brown eyes stared into mine. There wasn't the slightest hint of doubt in them. "You belong to me and I belong to you. We were destined to be together. I'll always be your big, strong omega and protect you... And you'll always be my sweet, beautiful... precious little alpha..."

The words brought tears to my eyes. How could it be that he always knew just what to say? I let the tears fall freely as I smiled up at him. As I threw my arms around him, I gave him a tiny peck. "I love you, Atsumu."

His lips sought out mine in a chaste kiss. "I love you too."

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