Bloodlust 2 (Tadashi Yamaguchi)

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Wizzy: More Creature Collection. Yamaguchi's sequel with a little peek at Tsukishima's story. Seriously, go check that book out if you haven't already. You won't regret it.

"Looks like they're at it again," I hummed, watching from the rooftop. Yamaguchi and I came up here often whenever we wanted a moment for just the two of us. It seemed to be a more common occurrence lately... as did these little fights between Tsukishima and that first-year werewolf. "You'd think they would have given it up by now..."

"I don't think that they really want to." Yamaguchi is probably right. He knew Tsukishima better than anyone else. Still, the very idea of wanting to fight with someone seemed so insane to me.

Okay, so maybe I do choose to fight with vampires, but that's a bit different. My fighting has a purpose. This stupid, pointless arguing that those two always did? I can't even wrap my head around it.

"I really don't get them..." I laughed a bit and looked over at Yamaguchi beside me. His arm was wrapped gently around my waist. Since we'd started dating, he'd grown a bit more confident in himself. Whether it was because of me or not, I couldn't tell you, but he was certainly overcoming that shy, nervous boy that he was. "If he hates her so much, why even bother being anywhere near her?"

That made Yamaguchi laugh. "Probably because he likes her. He hasn't said it, but I'm pretty sure that he likes her." I couldn't see it at all, but if he thought so, I guess I could trust that. "Tsukki isn't very good at sharing his feelings."

I could only shake my head. Kei Tsukishima was a man I would never understand... and that was perfectly fine with me. "I heard from Kunimi the other day," I said, turning my attention away from the two on the ground below.

"That guy from Seijoh?"

Oh, right. "His father... I forgot his kid was a volleyball player..." The elder Kunimi was a vampire hunter. His son Akira was a half-vampire and trained with the intention for him to follow in his father's footsteps, but he didn't get involved in hunters' affairs.

"Oh, so it's a hunter thing..." Yamaguchi wasn't particularly fond of me being a hunter, with good reason. It was a dangerous line of work and wasn't exactly a high-paying job. Still, it was to help keep humans safe, so it wasn't like I was going to quit anytime soon.

"There's been rumors of an especially dangerous vampire around his area... He's asked my group to work with him to take it down." Normally a hunter of his caliber wouldn't need the help, but this vampire was one that had successfully turned several humans already. It was a rare feat for a vampire to turn even one human. "We're just waiting for him to give the word that everything is all set up."

Yamaguchi frowned. "Are you going to take that apprentice of yours?"

I could only shake my head. "Absolutely not. She's nowhere near ready. Only my top guys are going for this one. Anyone else would just be in the way or too much of a risk."

"You're sure that this one has to be killed?"

Seeing as Yamaguchi himself was a vampire, I couldn't blame him for sympathizing with the vampire. Still, it was clear that vampire had to be dealt with. "I wish that it didn't have to be that way, but when a vampire goes around trying to turn humans into vampires, then we can't just sit back and do nothing..."

"We can do that? Turn humans into vampires?" It wasn't any surprise that he didn't know. It was usually something that was kept quiet... more to protect humans than anything. Many would abuse such a thing.

"It's not something we talk about, but yeah, there is a way." Normally I wouldn't bring it up, but I felt like he should probably know. "It's really dangerous and it usually kills the human you're trying to turn, but in the off chance that it takes... the result is dangerous."

"Turned vampires are much more dangerous than someone who was born a vampire..." I looked away. "They can't eat like born vampires... and require blood more often. They can't step into the sunlight either. If they're in the sun long enough, they'll die. Instead of getting Bloodsickness, they will just straight up go bloodcrazy. It's not pretty."

It's not a pleasant thing to have to hear, but he understood. At least, I hoped that he did. Yamaguchi stayed quiet though.

"I know... you don't really like that I do these sorts of things, but... Whoa!" I'd looked back to the ground to check on Tsukishima and his little werewolf friend, but what I saw was most definitely not expected.

At my little outburst, Yamaguchi looked too and laughed. "I told you he liked her."

"Yeah, you called it all right..." From fighting one minute to making out the next... that was something I don't think I'll ever understand. Still, I couldn't help but be happy for Tsukishima... even if they were an odd pair.

A mischievous smile formed on my face. "Get a room!" As I shouted down at them, the two immediately separated, looking up at where Yamaguchi and I were laughing. I gave a tiny wave, knowing that Tsukishima was most definitely glaring at me. Oh well. That little bit of entertainment was more than enough to lighten the mood.

Still laughing, I turned to look at my boyfriend. Slowly I reached up and kissed him on the cheek. "You don't have to worry about me, okay? No matter what happens, I'll always come back to you, safe and sound. I promise."

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