Still In Love With You (Hajime Iwaizumi)

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Wizzy: Based on an actual dream I had. Which was strange because I won't lie, I'm not all that interested in marriage. It's a somewhat scary idea to me. Though if it's Iwa-chan, I really wouldn't mind. Also, I'd like to point out that they're about 24-25ish in this one.

Five years. That's how long it's been since I've been here. Five years since the last time I'd seen this town... since I'd seen or heard anything of anyone from here.

"It feels so strange to be back here again," Karasu said from beside me. Five years ago the two of us left this town without saying a single word to anyone. She was an orphaned, homeless eleven-year-old girl back then. I'd been nineteen. "Think anyone will recognize us?"

I couldn't make up my mind if I wanted anyone to recognize me or not. Karasu might not have had anything to leave behind, but I'd left behind a lot. "Yeah..." My gaze traveled downwards to my hand where a ring was worn around my finger.

Five years ago, I'd run away. It was wrong; I knew that... but I was really hurt and I wasn't thinking clearly. Until now, I'd never had the courage to come back. Hajime... do you hate me for that day?

My thoughts drifted back to the last day that I'd spent here. I'd been busy with planning things for my and Hajime's wedding, but everyone kept trying to get too involved. It made me so angry. They were all so pushy that I just couldn't stand it. It even made me begin to feel like I didn't want to get married at all. And after a while, I burst and shouted it out loud from pure frustration.

Unfortunately, Hajime just so happened to come in right at that time and had heard the worst part of what I'd said. I hadn't really meant it, but those words had hurt him. And seeing the look on his face, I immediately regretted what I'd said.

After that, I couldn't find him. Even with Karasu's help, there was no sign of him anywhere. Then when I finally did find him, I wished that I hadn't.

When I found Hajime, he was with another woman. The two hadn't been doing anything when I'd seen them, but that didn't matter. I knew that woman he was with. She was a woman of very loose morals and wouldn't hesitate to sleep with anyone, even if they belonged to someone else.

I'd never really been the emotional type, but seeing the man I loved with another woman, that was too much. Tears had started to pour out almost immediately. The last thing he saw of me was that heartbroken expression before I'd run off. That was the last time I saw him.

"Well, aren't you a pretty face," a flirty voice greeted me, bringing me back to the present. That voice sounded a little too familiar... and its owner certainly looked familiar too. It took only seconds to recognize the man standing in front of me. However, Oikawa didn't seem to recognize me.

If he couldn't tell it was me, then I wasn't going to say anything just yet. "Sorry sweetheart, but I already have someone," I told him kindly. That was only half true though. Technically the relationship I'd had was over the moment I'd run away, but my heart was still Hajime's, regardless of what happened five years ago.

Oikawa didn't seem bothered by that and instead turned his attention to Karasu. "Your friend is pretty cute too..."

"She's sixteen," I said flatly and he instantly lost interest.

As he was about to walk away, he stopped and stared at me. "You know, you look very familiar... almost like-" he stopped suddenly and blinked a few times. And that would be him finally recognizing me. Though how he would react to me was something I couldn't possibly guess. "What are you doing back here?"

The anger in his voice made me flinch. I didn't have any right to come back here and expect any sort of niceness from anyone, but it still hurt for him to speak so harshly. I looked down at the ground while I collected myself.

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