What Kenzie Thinks The Boys Smell Like

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Hi lovelies! I'm back!

Ashton: I think Ashton would smell like sandalwood and sweat. Like in a good way. I'd love to smell that boy. Wait what?

Luke: Luke would smell really clean and maybe like a nice cologne. Not one of those dollar store ones. Again...I'd love to smell that boy.

Calum: Kenzie thinks Calum would smell like dog hair and honey. He's just a cutie pie. I'd love to smell that boy.

Michael: Michael would probably smell like hair products, popadams, and laundry detergent. I'd love to snuggle up to him and smell that boy.

What The Boys Think They Smell Like

Ashton: Vanilla and sweat combined. Interesting combination.

Luke: Michael's cologne.

Calum: David Beckham.

Michael: Awesomeness and sexual attraction.

What They Really Smell Like

Ashton: I don't know. I've never smelled him.

Luke: I don't know. I've never smelled him.

Calum: I don't know. I've never smelled him.

Michael: Awesomeness and sexual attraction.

What The Boys Think Kenzie Smells Like

Ashton: Coconuts and faerie dust.

Luke: Pancakes.

Calum: Apples!

Michael: Pizza and desperation.

(This one was awful. I apologize. I love you.

Ok I also have to apologize to everyone who has requested any imagines/preferences. I'm sorry they're not written yet. I feel bad about it. But I love you and they will get written!!!!

Is anyone on Fahlo? I'm addicted!!! It's such an awesome app where the 5sosfam can live in peace and have their feels in harmony! If any of you are on there, I'd love to follow you guys! My username is sassykenziek! And all of my posts are underneath #sassykenziek. Pretty simple right? I hope I get to find you guys on there! <3)

These keep getting worse and worse. -Ashton

At least I smell clean....-Luke

Geez Mike. Little harsh on yours? -Calum

Nope. I only tell the truth. -Michael

*tears up and eats half a Walmart to cope* -Kenzie (saying courtesy of Anthony)

Awwh! You made her eat a Walmart! -Luke

Not the Walmart!!! -Ashton

This just got way out of hand. -Michael

*sobs, eating K-Mart* -Kenzie

She's getting her vitamin K. -Luke

*judges Luke* -Ashton, Calum, Michael

(Ok I forgot!!! I'm going to do another contest!!! Details up soon! xx)

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