Losing Bandmembers (Luke)

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been so long since I last updated! Wow. Again dedicated to thatktchick125 for the request! Love you babe! 

"Seriously? Where could we have lost him?" Michael asked annoyed. Ashton pulled out his phone and started shooting messages at Luke, not getting any replies. "I'm sure he's around here somewhere...." Calum started and looked around. Ashton sighed and slid his phone back in his pocket. "Well we've never been here before. So it'll be a lot harder to find him." Michael walked towards the tallish apartment buildings with balconies on the front. "I don't like this. It's cold. There's snow. It's hard to breathe." Michael muttered and Calum rolled his eyes. "Calm down mopey. Kenzie invited us. We need to be nice." He commented and Michael just gave him a look. "Why couldn't she live somewhere tropical or indoors all the time?" Ashton knocked on the door of my apartment and I swung the door open, looking at the seriously out of place Aussies.  "Why are there only three of you? You're missing a tree." Michael was the first one inside, shivering and hiding in the warmth. Ashton was next with an annoyed look on his face. "Yes we lost the bean pole. Have you seen him?" He questioned and brought Calum into the smallish apartment. "I haven't. But I can help you guys if you want." The boys nodded and I closed the door behind them and offered them hot chocolate. 

Everyone squished on the couch and sipped their chocolate awesomeness. "So when was the last time you saw him?" I asked, handing Michael yet another blanket. "Well he was making a lot of snow angels, then he must've wandered off." Ashton answered and Michael snorted. "Or he was carried up a tree by squirrels." Calum giggled. I rolled my eyes and nudged all of them with my shoulder. "Seriously. You have a bandmate on the loose. He could be wreaking havoc all over my city." Michael just looked quite satisfied. Calum was a bit worried and Ashton was completely annoyed. "What else did you guys do?" I questioned. "We checked out the really sad looking mall, Chuck E. Cheese's, Old Town, like twelve different Starbucks, and the only Dunkin Donuts you have here." Michael answered this time. I sighed and rubbed my temples as if I was dealing with a lost child. Wait. I am. "So he could be anywhere basically." They all nodded and sipped their hot chocolate. "Great."

So we checked the mall first. There being only about eight stores actually open for now. Whee. We went into all of them asking if they'd seen a really tall, covered in black, blonde. They hadn't. We also ended up spending time in Hot Topic because Michael wanted a lot of band merch. Not that I'm complaining. "So where next?" Calum asked. Ashton suggested Dunkin Donuts. So there we went. Nothing there but delicious donuts...oh shit. O.o LUKE?! ARE YOU A DONUT AGAIN?! No. We're good. Next up was Old Town. Goody. I liked Old Town but it was too big to find someone quickly. We split up and Ashton went into one of the Starbucks they had visited, Michael explored around Curiosities, Calum went into an amazing pizza place called Beoujo's, and I found my way towards Walrus Ice Cream. I walked into the small shop and looked around, obviously not seeing Luke. He'd stand out quite a lot in there. So I left...ok fine i got some ice cream first. I bumped into Ashton on the way out and walked with him to find the others. "I take it he wasn't in Starbucks?" I asked, eating my amazing ice cream. He shook his head and sighed. "How the hell did we lose Hemmo?" He asked softy. "Hey. We'll find him Ash. Hell they lost you in a washing machine." I snorted and covered my mouth. His eyes narrowed and he poked my arm. "Who told you?" I let out a small squeak of a name. "Luke!" He laughed and started walking again. "All the more reason to find him so I can beat him with a sandwich."

We visited the rest of the Starbucks they went to and found no clues of penguin boy. Now there was only one place left. Chuck E. Cheese's. I drove to the somewhat small children's play place and parked in the lot, unlocking the door so the boys could get out. Damn. Should've turned on the child lock and left them there. But no. I had Mr. Excited, Mr. No Hair, and Mr. Puppy at my sides. I opened the door and instantly heard the screams and laughter of little kids. I walked up to the front desk where an overly happy person stood with a gigantic smile on her face. "Hi there fellow Chuck E. Cheese visitors! How many tokens will you be needing?" She asked in a really high voice. "Um none. We're just looking for an idio-I mean a guy we may have left here." I replied and Michael snickered. "Oh dear! How old is he? And what's his name? We'll find the little guy immediately!" She panicked. "Uh he's not so little. He's eighteen and over six feet tall. Goes by the names Luke, Lucas, Hemmo Penguin, and Dork." She let out a sigh of relief and smiled. "You're welcome to look around and try to find him. The name Luke sounds familiar though..." She trailed off. Calum immediately made a beeline to the camera car thingy, Michael went to scam pizza off of little kids, and Ashton actually walked with me. "So this should be easy to find him. He's bigger than everyone here." He mentioned and followed me towards the stage. Up on the black stage with very colorful lights, was Chuck E. Cheese himself holding a guitar and waving at little kids. Wait.

"Ok kids! This next song is called.......'Gotta Get Out'! Are you ready?" He asked excitedly. Michael and Calum ended up beside me and Ash and stared at the mouse. "Is that...?" Calum started and Ashton nodded. "I believe so." We all moved closer and watched Luke in the mouse suit handle the strings of his guitar quite well. He sang through the mouse head and strummed his guitar, his feet doing the thing. "What the hell is he doing?" Michael asked and a lady in front of us turned around and shushed him. Michael raised his eyebrows. "You shush." I elbowed him in the ribs and he shut up. When Lukey Cheese finished his song he got loud applause and a kid sneezing on his shoes. "Thanks guys! I'll be back at seven! Go eat some pizza and play games!" He exclaimed and walked off stage.

I made my way towards the side of the stage and tapped his shoulder. "Yessss?" He asked and turned. "Kenzie?" I nodded and pulled him more to the side so the kids wouldn't see. "Luke what are you doing?" I whispered and he pulled off the mouse head, his hair falling flat into his eyes. "My idiots of a band left me here and I didn't know what to do. Then the original Chuck E. spontaneously burst into flames in the kitchen and they had no one else to be Chuck E. So the manager pulled me aside and handed me the head and said, 'Go get em kid!' And I did." So many things weird about that story, but now wasn't the time. "Luke we need to go back to my house. You don't even work here." He pouted and set the mouse head on the stage. "Fine. I'll just let the kids be sad and hopeless. They need a mouse that can inspire them. A mouse that can show them the world! A mouse that cares!" A little girl screamed and pointed at the mouse head. "His head came off! He's dead!" Then the other kids started screaming. Luke took off the rest of the costume and looked at me. "Now might be a good time to leave."

(Geez Luke. You're such a cute little child. You tall dorky penguin.

In case no one knows, I live in a smallish city called Fort Collins in Colorado :) Weee. If you want to come to Colorado, come here. It's pretty. And there's me! So that makes it instantly better!

Ok I want to try something new! Because I love all of you and want to interact with you more, how about I make a Q&A video? You guys can leave questions in the comments about anything you want to ask, or want me to know, and I will try to put as many as I can in a video! (Even though I suck at talking xD) I want to see if it actually works! Love you!)

"I can't believe we lost Luke in Chuck E. Cheese's. -_-  -Ashton

Hey. I brought those children joy! Until they thought I was dead.....-Luke

Yeah that's kind of a mind opener isn't it Lucas? You dumbass. -Calum

This is why we can't have nice things!!! It's all Luke's fault! -Michael

You're the ones that left me there! I wouldn't have been trouble if you didn't leave me there! -Luke

Dude you're trouble wherever you are. -Ashton

So true. -Calum

Why has this become a bashing on Luke conversation? :;( -Luke

Because it's easy to do. -Michael

I'm not choosing sides. Hey look! Donuts! -Kenzie

NO NO NO! WAIT! -Calum

*munch* -Kenzie

And she just ate Alex Gaskarth. -Calum

WHAT?!?! -Michael

Pre-Order our new album Future Hearts now! *cough cough* As my dying wish. *coughs and dies* -Alex (See what I did there?)


Eh. *eats donut* -Kenzie

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