Halloween with Calum Includes

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Hi Floppy Dishtowels!
I hope you guys are liking these! They're simple, but effective. Hah. Anyway....Kenzie will stop now.

-Watching AHS and getting attached to the characters.

-Him trying to carve a pumpkin like a bat, but it ends up being a big blob.

-Caramel apples! He already loves apples, so why not add caramel?

-Turning off all the lights and telling ghost stories with a flashlight.

-Going costume shopping in those cute little shops. He enjoys seeing all the different options.

-Having Luke come over for a minute just to take a picture of themselves in their costumes.

-Watching terrible scary movies that make you laugh out loud.

-Making a "Witches Brew" of a bunch of fun drinks. It actually ends up pretty good, except for the aftertaste.

-Buying Halloween themed cupcakes and using them to throw at each other.

-Putting googly eyes on his butt so the first thing you wake up to is his ass with a face. It's either really funny, or completely disturbing.

-Going to a graveyard just to freak out.

-Him telling you all the costumes he and Mali had growing up.

-Apple cider with a hint of cinnamon.

-Handing out candy and smiling at the cute kids.

-"It would be so cool if I could dress my penis as a hotdog."

-"No I wouldn't walk around like that!"

-"Just for you! Gosh Y/N! What's wrong with you?"

-TPing your own house just so he can feel 'cool'.

-Egging Michael's house so he can feel amazing.

-Spooky scary skeletons!

-Calling you spooky names like "My Vampire Booty."

-Ok maybe not spooky names, more like ridiculous names.

-Trying to scare you and failing.

-You scaring him and making him fall over.

-Funny Halloween boxers with jack o' lanterns all over them.

-Him buying light up necklaces because they're "what the kids are into".

-Twix overload.

-Falling asleep on the couch and he's not bothered to move you, so he lays on the other side and gives you the blanket.

(Awwh. Cal. I lub you. Y/N does too.

You guys need to send me pictures of your Halloween costumes! I wanna see em!)

Boring. -Ashton

Nice try. -Luke

I thought it was sweet. -Calum

Vinegar is sweeter than you. -Michael

Why are you picking on me? Luke is in a bra. -Calum

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