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Mwahahaha! Happy Halloween mortals! I hope you get more treats than tricks ;)

In this ghostly installment of 5sos holidays, you will encounter creatures that will haunt your nightmares. The Michael Clifford is just horrifying.

The spooks will come randomly and make you FRANKENSTEINS ASS!!! See? I got you already. You must be prepared if you are going to enter this magical world of Halloween.

I will be your narrator today. My name is Madame Mystic (its Kenzie shh.) Stay with me, and you will survive. MWAHAHAHA!

The moon was bright and full, the air cool and dry. Your heart was beating faster and faster with every passing second. The creature in front of you growled low in his throat. You took a step back, hitting your back against a tree. He kept his eyes on you and didn't budge.
"Leave me alone. Please." You said shakily. His big hazel eyes stared at you, his furry ears twitching towards the sound of your voice.
"What do you want?" You asked. He crept closer and retracted his claws. The wolf man bared his teeth and cocked his head to the side.
"You are not dangerous." He spoke finally. He relaxed his stance and looked at you with softer eyes.
"What are you doing out here? It's dark and you don't know what could be lurking around." He scolded, making you feel like a child.
"I'm lost." You admitted, staying pressed against the tree trunk.
"Of course you are. Pathetic humans think they can handle anything. But the truth is, you need us." He looked down on you and wrinkled his nose.
"Plus you smell."
"I do not! I smell like sugar!" You protested, making the wolf laugh.
"Sugar isn't always enticing. Sometimes it's just too sweet." He said softly, moving closer.
"Can you please just help me get out of here?"
He smirked and nodded.
"I guess. Otherwise you could be hunted by something worse than I." He grabbed hold of your wrist and started trudging through the woods. He'd hold back branches and help you over large logs.
"I'm Ashton by the way. In case that helps you calm down. Your heartbeat is insanely loud." He mumbled, letting go of your hand. You hadn't known that he could hear your heart pounding.
"I'm Y/N. Are you always this rude?"
He chuckled and disappeared through a weeping willow's strands.
"Yes, but some find it to be charming. Now keep up."
You hurried to follow him and found your way towards more trees.
"Watch your step." Ashton murmured, helping you over gnarled tree roots.

Still struggling through the woods, Ashton put an arm out to stop you.
"Don't move." He hissed through his teeth. His ears perked up and his claws made an appearance. You heard the rustling noise and a snap of a branch.
"Show yourself!" Ashton barked. (Not intended as a pun, but could totally work.) A pair of white ears emerged from the bushes and blue eyes glowed.
"Really? A bunny?" Ashton scoffed, looking at the adorable bunny. The bunny stood up fully, and you could see that it was actually a creature somewhat like Ashton. He had some human qualities, as well as animal ones.
"Bite your tongue Sparky. I'm protecting my part of the forest." The bunny man growled at Ashton.
"And what exactly are you supposed to be? The Easter bunny?" Ashton teased, making the bunny angry.
"I'm a white rabbit. I bring luck to those who believe in me. My name is Lucas and I know who you are."
You stared at the rabbit and wondered what on earth was going on.
"Well Mr. Rabbit, I don't need any of your luck. So you best be out of my way." Ashton stood his ground. You sympathized with Lucas and took a deep breath.
"I could use some luck. Will you come with us?" You asked the rabbit. He smiled and walked out from his bush.
"I'd be happy to milady. I offer you my protection. All I ask of you, is that you trust me in return."
You nodded in agreement.
"I'll trust you."
"Excellent! Lead the way Sparky."

"I'm so hungry." You sighed, your stomach rumbling. Ashton glanced at you and frowned, wishing he could help. Lucas touched your hand lightly and smiled.
"Trust me my dear." Whatever that means.

5SOS Preferences and Requests (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now