13 Days (Malum)

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So the reason this one is late is because we wanted to steal something of Kenzie's. -Michael

That sounds awful when you put it like that...-Calum

What I mean, is that Kenzie finished her short story and I wanted to share it! The Floppy Dishtowels get to read it before her class does! -Michael

Hopefully they like it. -Calum

Also, HUGE news!!! This book made it to #100 book in the Fanfiction category on Wattpad!!! WHOOP WHOOP!!!! -Michael

We should have a party. -Calum

We will! But first, here's Kenzie's story. It's a bit long, but I don't think Y/N will mind. Enjoy! -Michael

A Heart of Burgundy

Waking up in a strange new land called Doalim, was definitely not something on my to-do list. First of all, Doalim wasn't technically on Earth. At least that's what Ashton told me. Second, the scenery here is much darker. The trees looked like they had been charred from lightning strikes, jet black bark engulfed by silver leaves. The skies were a slate color, laced with a hint of lavender without the presence of hanging clouds. But it wasn't the environment that intrigued me the most. It was the man with the ebony wings protruding from his back, and eyes the same color as the feathers. Back on Earth he had introduced himself as Ashton. No last name. Just Ashton. He had made me nervous when we met, his gaze worrying and intruding. Little did I know then, that I would end up ruining myself and my whole world.

"Luke, where are we going?" Jade had asked me while we were walking down the streets of Sydney.

"You'll just have to wait until we get there won't you?" I had been planning to surprise her with a trip to my favorite childhood hideout in the old park up the way. Just as we neared the area, a shadow fell upon Jade's face, her eyes showing signs of danger. That shadow belonged to Ashton, the six foot tall man with a sinister smirk playing at his lips. Right then, he had uttered the words that made my skin crawl.

"I've been waiting for a fresh soul to cross my path for a very long time." His voice was low and full of disdain. His eyes flicked over Jade's smaller frame and considered her for a moment before turning back to me.

"She cannot be involved in such foul play my dear Luke. You'll have to dispose of her." He said nonchalantly. He had to be crazy! He was obviously on drugs of the highest dosage. My protective instinct kicked in as I moved my body in between her and the psycho.

"Excuse me, I think you're mistaken. I don't know who the hell you are. Who are you to say that to me?" I was surprised that my voice came out strong instead of full of fear. The man tilted his head and gave me a full toothed smile.

"I didn't introduce myself. How rude of me. My name is Ashton of Doalim. We will be acquainted shortly, but as I said, the girl should not accompany us." I moved to glance at Jade and gasped when I saw that she had been frozen in time. Now that I think about it, the world around me had stopped as well. It was as if it was only Ashton and I.

"Don't worry. It's not permanent. She will be fine as soon as I finish with my terms and conditions and blah blah blah. Now Luke, you're a special one. One with a lighter heart than most. You could either be my worst enemy, or my secret weapon. What do you say?" He offered acting like this was a normal transaction. I tried to wrap my mind around what he was saying.

"What do I say? I say what the fuck are you talking about? What's this talk about a special one?" Am I dreaming again? Ashton chuckled and crossed his arms, showing a glimpse of something black on his back.

5SOS Preferences and Requests (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now