Big Week

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Hello my lovelies.
I just wanted to say that 'Scars' got a huge reaction from you guys. I'm so glad you enjoyed it.
A lot of you commented and messages that I had helped you stop cutting or even just feel better in general. You have no idea how much that means to me to hear that.
I'm a 17 year old girl that doesn't get aknowledged in the outernet. My parents don't realize how much I love Wattpad and rely on my writing to make me feel happy.
I don't have many friends, but that's why I have you. You make me smile, laugh, cry, and think I'm worth something. I used to think I wasn't good for anything. Now I'm getting daily messages saying 'Thank you.' I never knew I could help anyone. I'm so glad I can. I wish I could do a lot more than I am. So thank you for making me feel wanted.

Kenzie's getting sappy like a tree now. I apologize.

But the real reason I'm writing this chapter, is to tell you that this coming week is a huge one!!!

Saturday (tomorrow) is Anthony's birthday party!!! He turns 17 on Tuesday! So I'm definitely going to do something special for him on that day!

I graduate on Wednesday May 6th! I'm so excited! I'm graduating a year earlier than I'm supposed to because I got my GED instead!

Friday is my first graduation party with my friends :) we'll see how that goes!

And next Saturday.... ALL TIME LOW CONCERT!!! My friend asked me to prom but it's the same night and I was like "Gee. Either be a third wheel or see All Time Low. Sorry girl! Bye!!!!"

It's going to be a crazy week so I apologize if I can't update as much :( I'll try my hardest because I don't want to let you down.

I wish I could go on Ellen and talk about you guys. You've changed my life in the best ways possible. This time last year I was self harming, suicidal, and extremely depressed. This year, I haven't self harmed once, I'm not suicidal, and my depression is slowly getting better. And it's all because of you. So don't thank me. I thank you. You've changed my life. I'm so much happier. I read your comments and messages and I think "Am I really helping this person? Did they really say thank you for my weirdness?" It's just mind blowing. I try to help as much as possible and ik so glad it actually works. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I love you to bits.

Now if only Wattpad could be my job so I wouldn't have to deal with people in the real world. xD

Here we go again. More sappiness and drama. -Ashton

I think it's sweet :3 she loves Y/N. -Luke

She also loves cookies. But you don't see her giving them a twenty minute speech. -Calum

Burn!!!! -Michael

Awwh :'( -Luke

*holds package of Oreos* Thank you so much for being there for me. It means a lot that you're so yummy. -Kenzie

I stand corrected. -Calum

Is she....really? -Ashton

Yup. Looks like it. -Michael


Eh maybe in the next chapter. -Kenzie

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