11 Days (Cashton and Phan)

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Since you guys seemed to like that Kenzie made a Dan Howell joke, we've decided to bring them to join us! -Ashton

I'm excited. -Calum

Hey internet! Phil and I are very happy to announce that we are writing with the 5sos guys! -Dan

I think it's going to be fun! -Phil

Now there's 11 days until Kenzie's birthday. So we're getting closer. What shall we do? -Ashton

I have an idea! -Phil

Please don't say we're doing a Krave challenge. -Dan

We're not! We're going to play the 7 Second Challenge. -Phil

Yes! I'm so ready for this! -Calum

Let's play *explosion on your screen* -Dan

Dan and Phil vs Calum and Ashton

"Alright Dan. Your challenge is to do a fish impression." Ashton said, holding up his phone. Dan composed himself as Ashton clicked the start button.
"Ooh look at me I'm a fish!" Dan made a fish face and laughed.
"Cal did he do it?" Ashton asked. Calum rubbed his chin and glanced at Dan.
"Nailed it."
"Yes!" Dan high fived Phil and took the phone from Ashton.
"Calum's challenge is....he has to close every door in eyesight." Calum stood up and stretched, getting ready to run.
Calum took off and closed the bathroom door, the front door, the garage door, and Kenzie's bedroom door.
"I think he nailed it. He even closed Kenzie's door. That's bonus points." Phil commented and Dan clicked the Nailed It! Button.
"That was quite impressive." Dan passed the phone to Calum and fixed his lovely hair.
Calum put Phil on the spot and chuckled.
"Phil. Your challenge is...to give the person to your right a piggyback ride whilst making horse noises." Phil looked to his left and Dan facepalmed himself.
"Seriously Phil? You literally have no sense of direction."
Ashton laughed and stood up.
"I'm on your right."
Phil also stood up and looked at Ashton.
"If I touch your butt, it's not intentional."
Ashton climbed onto Phil's back and held on.
Calum pressed start and Phil galloped like a horse and neighed loudly before losing balance. He fell onto the carpet with Ashton toppling on top of him. Dan laughed hysterically and clapped his hands.
"Failed it." Calum said, clicking the red button.
Ashton got up and offered a hand towards Phil.
"I've fallen."

After an hour of going back and forth with the app, the time has come to proclaim the winner.
"Our scores are tied! That hasn't happened to us before." Phil stated, looking at Dan.
"Looks like we have to do another challenge." Dan looked towards the nonexistent camera.

"Kenzie can you help us?" Calum knocked on her door. She opened the door and raised her eyebrows.
"With what?"

"So I have to come up with a tie breaker?" Kenzie questioned, standing between Phan and Cashton.
"Yes. We need to settle this!" Dan yelled, causing Kenzie's hearing aids to squeak.
"Well first of all, no high pitched yelling. Hmm. Alright I've got one. The team that can make the floppy dishtowels laugh the most, wins the challenge."

All four of them blinked at Kenzie.
"Really? That's it?" Dan cracked his knuckles. "We've got this Phil."


What does a prostitute with no legs use to get around? -Dan

*draws whiskers on face* What does a prostitute with no legs use to get around Dan? -Phil

A Horcrux. -Dan

*Ba dum ching*


What did the shoes say to the pants? -Calum

What? -Ashton


Y/N the choice is up to you. Which team is funnier? For Phan, comment a smiley face. For Cashton, comment a smirky face. The next chapter will reveal the winner.

Reasons why Dan's a fail. Yay. He sucks at telling jokes. -Ashton

Ooh! Burn! -Calum

See that would hurt, but I'm not on fire. -Dan

.......-Ashton, Calum, and Phil

Think about it. -Dan

(Maybe Dan and Phil should read this....huh? Wink wink? No? Ok.)

It's the sexy Wattpad end chapter dance. Click the follow button to follow mama dishtowel. You can also comment to support all of us. Oh yeah. -Dan

I'm extremely happy about this. -Kenzie

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