One of Kenzie's Best Nights Ever

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Hi guys! Sorry I've been gone a few days! I was getting ready for one of the best nights of my life.

So last night I was able to go to The Back to the Future Hearts Tour with One OK Rock, Neck Deep, Sleeping with Sirens, and All Time Low.

For my 18th birthday, my dad bought the VIP experience to meet Sleeping with Sirens. A dream come true.

I got my Madness CD signed and Kellin looked absolutely amazing of course.

Then came the actual picture with them. I still don't have it yet, but as soon as I do, I'll share it. But so far, the experience was absolutely incredible.

Most of the people with VIP took the picture and left. I took the picture with them and took a few minutes to tell them how much their music means to me.
I told them how I was in the hospital for self harm and that their music helped me through the healing process. I also said that The Strays was one of the songs that meant the world to me. I'm so glad I got the chance to tell them that.

Kellin told me he was proud of me and he gave me a big hug. Then Nick said, "Gimme a hug! Don't do that again. It's nasty." And he gave me the best hug. The rest of the band joined in and hugged me, telling me that they were thankful, that they loved me, and that they were happy that I'm doing better.

I never felt so loved. Being told that they're proud of me is one of the best things. I just can't believe a band that really helped me took that to heart and made me feel proud of my recovery. Kellin kept thanking me and put his arm around me. He was so sweet.

He also smelled really really good. Just saying.

Now I'm not saying all of this to brag, kinda, just kidding. I wanted to tell you this because it proves the effect a band can have on a single person. And the effect that that person can have on a band. If someone tells you that a band doesn't care or doesn't matter, don't believe it. Hearing something like that from one of your favorite bands can have a huge impact on your life.

If music is a huge part of your life like mine, then you know just how important it is to see these artists live.

Alright. Enough of the sappy shit. Now for the shenanigans that happened last night.

-In line waiting for meet and greet, I met a girl from Amsterdam and made friends with her. She was super sweet.

-Also while waiting, we heard one of the bands soundchecking and the guy started singing "Like a Virgin". He then proceeded to say, "Sounds better than she does." Funniest thing.

-Zack walked past me before I met SWS. I said hi. I don't think he recognized me.

-Jack Fowler was wearing a 5SOS shirt.

-Kellin sang with One OK Rock "Paper Planes" and he was awesome.

-Kellin made a joke that his band had 67 more songs to play.

-"That's a joke."

-Kellin also gave a cute little speech before "The Strays." I was so excited.

-Alex asked a girl what her Halloween costume was and she said Ashton Irwin. He then did an impersonation of Ashton and called him very handsome. He said "Your costume is just handsome then. He's a very handsome Aussie man."

-Apparently Mayday Parade was in the audience O.o

-Jack started singing "Pour guacamole on me!"

-Jack called us Burritoville.

-Jack also sang "Like a Virgin". Déjà vu?

-Alex gave us a warning speech about eating bath bombs. He said he ate some small bath bomb bubbles and it wasn't fun.

-Jack then asked, "Is that why you're so slow Alex?" And the audience just burst into an Oooooooh.

-Alex gave the sweetest speech before singing "Missing You". I almost cried.

-Best encore ever. So much confetti and giant beach balls.

-Also, disco balls.

-I did get a badass shirt. I love it.

Honestly, it was one of the best nights. I laughed and smiled more than I have in a long time.

Thanks for listening to me! It means a lot to me.

I still can't believe it happened. I hope I'll get the chance to tell 5SOS. That would be so cool.

I love you guys. Oh! Also! I'm working on making a little Floppy Dishtowel logo! Woohoo!

-Kenzie xx

I am very handsome. -Ashton

No mention of me I see. -Luke

Woohoo! Party! -Calum

Awwh. Kellin. You're a ball of fluff. -Michael

Kellin's hair is pretty. -Luke

Thank you for that commentary Luke. -Ashton

I wanna meet you guys. :3 -Kenzie

Wait...then what's this? The whole book? -Calum

My hopes and dreams. :3 -Kenzie

Alright then. -Michael

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