He's Trapped In A Video Game (Luke)

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Hi Floppy Dishtowels

It's been a while since I wrote a preference and I apologize. Thank you for being so supportive and loving. It means so much to me.

I will be in Orlando, Florida from Friday until Tuesday. So I will be doing two updates between then. Afterwards, I'll hopefully be writing a lot more often. xx

Luke: "Hello? Mum?" Luke called out, roaming through the maze-like set up. There was no answer from his mum or anyone else for that matter.

All Luke could see were three colorful ghost characters in orange, pink, and red.

How strange he thought, moving closer to the pink one. I've seen this before.

Just then, video game music swelled and the maze lit up with little white dots and some oversized fruit.

The pink ghost opened its eyes and Luke let slip a scream.

"Relax buddy. It's just a freaking game." Pinky sneered in a surprisingly deep voice.

"What's a game? What is this?" Luke questioned, glancing around his surroundings.

"It's Pacman you idiot." Blinky chimed in, nudging past Luke making herself comfortable in the corner.

"I'm in Pacman? That's not possible." Luke choked, realizing he had no appendages.

"It's possible. You're here aren't you? Get your knickers out of a twist and get your head in the game." Clyde mumbled. (You gotta getcha getcha getcha getcha head in the game.)

"All you gotta do is try to cut of the yellow bastard and keep him from eating our fruit. Otherwise, he'll eat you." Pinky said glumly, looking off into the distance.

"That's a bit mortifying isn't it?" Luke asked.

"You mean getting eaten and being sent through the depths of hell? Nah it's a blast!" Blinky fumed.

"Can't I just stand watch? You know, just stay on the sidelines and shout out some cheers?" Luke wondered.

"Nice try stupid. Not gonna work. Pacman will find you. He always does." Clyde grumbled, getting in his position.

The game music started and the walls disappeared, letting the ghosts have their freedom. Blinky went to the right, Pinky to the left, and Clyde went upwards.

"Guess I go down then." Luke sighed, moving his ghost body down to the maze.

Luke passed over several white dots, but he couldn't pick them up for himself. He just phased right through them. "Interesting."

He tried to pick up a cherry, but a shocking device shocked him and said, "Fruit is only for Pacman. Ghosts not wanted." He felt very hurt.

Luke wandered around bored before he heard the digital sounding waka waka waka of the infamous Pacman.

"Oh shit! What do I do?" He panicked, looking for a place to go.

"Run towards him dumbass. You're still light blue!" Blinky hissed from a corner.

"Oh. Ok!" Luke said somewhat courageously. He moved towards the sound of Pacman and took a deep breath.

Waka waka waka. Pacman turned the corner and Luke saw his horrible gnashing jaw, ready to devour anything in his way.

"Halt!" Luke squeaked out, inching closer to the big yellow bully.

Pacman kept coming.

"I will destroy you!" Luke trembled.

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