He Eats Your Cupcake (Not An Innuendo)

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I don't even know.

AshtonYou glared at your best friend, hoping to scare him. He just licked the frosting off his lip and smiled at you. "What?" He asked innocently. You picked up your pillow and whacked him over and over. "Ow! Ow! Hey! Don't hit that! What's your problem? Ow! Ow my nuggets!" Once you were satisfied you hugged the pillow and pouted. Ashton chuckled and pulled you to his side. "What's the matter Y/N? Why did you assault me with a Star Wars pillow?" You narrowed your eyes at him and he took his arm off of you. "Vicious." He muttered. He looked at you and tried to get you to smile by nudging you, tickling you, and singing like a tone deaf walrus. None of them worked sadly. "Y/NNNNN! Talk to me!!!" He whined and shook you softly. You groaned and hid in your pillow. Eventually Ashton picked you up and set you in his lap and hugged you. "Whatever I did to make you mad at me, I'm so sorry. You're my best friend and I never want you to be mad at me. It sucks when I can't hear your voice." He admitted. You sighed and rested your head on his chest. "Ash you ate my cupcake." He burst out laughing and you slapped his chest. "I'm serious! I wanted that cupcake you dessert bandit." You pouted. He giggled and hugged you. "I'm sorry Y/N. The dessert bandit should've asked." "Damn right he should've asked." You muttered. He kissed your cheek and squeezed your hand. "What can I do to make it up to you?" He asked with a smile. "You can buy me another vanilla cupcake you ass!!!" The Star Wars pillow made a few more appearances that night until he caved and drove to The Buttercream Cupcakery.

Luke"These look so good!" Y/B/F squealed looking at your masterpiece. It was your moms birthday and she wanted you to make her red velvet cupcakes. You agreed to make them and now they looked like something that would come from a bakery! "I'm going to steal one..." Y/B/F grabbed a cupcake and shoved it in her mouth before you could yell at her. "Of meh ged. Vhese er gerd!" She said through the cake and frosting. You rolled your eyes and picked up another cupcake and slammed it in her face. She squeaked and giggled. That night was the party and you set out your cupcakes for everyone to see how awesome you were. Like you needed another reason. You were almost finished when two arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you against a hard chest and torso. "Hello my beautiful cupcake goddess." He whispered in your ear and you smiled and leaned against his chest. "Hello Mr. Heartthrob. I thought you weren't coming until nine." He bent down to kiss your lips and grinned. "Couldn't stay away for that long babe." You nudged him and giggled. "You are aware that this is my mothers birthday party right? Not yours." He smirked and shoved his hands in his pockets. "I'm well aware darling. Just came for the sweets. And I don't mean the cupcakes." You blushed and went back to arranging the desserts while he stared at you. The whole night consisted of him biting his lip, touching your thigh, and winking. You've never blushed so much in your life. When the rest of the guests left, there was two cupcakes left. Your mom got one of them and you planned on eating the last one. You told Luke you'd get your stuff so you could go spend the night with him and he smirked. More blushing. By the time you got downstairs....the last cupcake was missing. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!! You found Luke in the kitchen and you were about to tell him someone ate your cupcake when he turned around with frosting on his lip. "You traitor! You ate the chosen one! How could you?!" You yelled and he looked frightened. "I-I was hungry." He said softly. "You. Ate. My. Cupcake." You said in a monotone voice. His eyes widened and he rushed out of the kitchen. "Bye Mrs. Y/L/N! I'm going to Thailand!!!" He screamed and ran out the door. Your mom raised an eyebrow. "What was that about?" You narrowed your eyes. "He ate my cupcake." She gasped. "That boy better be on his way to Thailand!"

Calum"It was just a cupcake Y/N!" He yelled and you scoffed. "For other people it's just a cupcake, but for your pregnant wife, a cupcake is her only happiness!" You screeched and he jumped. You crossed your arms over your bulging belly and looked away angrily. "In my defense babe, you had like seven before I got to them..." He said softly. You burst out into tears and threw a hairbrush at his head. "Is that your way of saying I'm fat?!" He ducked and the brush flew into the wall. "I never said that!!! You look beautiful! You're glowing! Did you do something new to your hair?" He laughed nervously. You glared and scoffed at him. "You're unbelievable! First you eat my cupcake, then you call me fat, and now you're saying my hair looks good?!" He blinked. "No......?" A half eaten sandwich was flung at his head. "You just don't get it Calum!!! I'm a sensitive woman ok?!?" You screamed. He sat on the bed and pulled you into his arms and kissed the top of your head. "I know baby. I'm sorry. I know this is really hard for you and I wish I could help you more." He said calmly and rubbed your pregnant belly. You took a deep breath and focused on his voice. "I'll do the best I can Y/N. I will try to make you feel more comfortable." He added. You snuggled into his chest and calmed down and breathed. He hummed 'Heartbreak Girl' while rubbing your belly and you instantly relaxed. "I don't even remember why I was mad." You said with a smile. "Oh it was because I ate your cupcake." He realized it just after he said it and his eyes widened. You growled and elbowed him. "Oh my cheese and crackers!!" He groaned. "Now go get me my cupcake!!! And some cheese and crackers!"

MichaelMikey made birthday cupcakes for you to celebrate! They actually turned out pretty good. Except he forgot to take them out right away so they were a little brown. That's what frosting is for children. He brought them over to you and you picked out a few and nibbled on them. He reached over to grab one and you slapped his hand away. "Swiper no swiping!!!" You shrieked and he laughed and pulled his hand back. "Fine fine! They're your cupcakes!" You grinned and ate another one. They were heavenly miniature cakes of buttercream and chocolate. After an hour, you saw him reach for another cupcake and you threw a shoe at him. "Swiper no swiping!!!" He held his face where you hit him with the shoe and walked away. The whole day you acted like a guard dog for your cupcakes and every time Michael came around, you'd scream "Swiper no swiping!" You picked up a book and started reading it on the counter where you didn't notice Michael tiptoeing toward the cupcakes. He almost made it too, if it weren't for the little trap you set. He tripped over the string and a laundry basket came hurtling down over his head and he fell to the ground. "Y/N!!!!!!" He yelled and you laughed and jumped down from the counter. "I knew you'd come back!" He glared at you through the holes in the basket. "I will get a cupcake. Oh yes. I will." You snorted and lifted the basket off of his head. "No. No you don't. Oh yes. You won't." You countered and he stuck his tongue out at you. "Meanie." You grinned and helped him up. "Yup. But I'm a meanie with cupcakes." He narrowed his eyes and stood up. "This isn't over yet Y/L/N." He said and stormed off. Three hours later. Five cupcakes left. No sign of Swiper. Two hours later. Two cupcakes left. Still no sign of Swiper. One hour later. One cupcake left. You fell asleep watching the last cupcake and you woke up to Michael holding it up to his mouth. Your eyes widened and you got off your chair and ran towards him. He smirked and shoved the whole thing in his mouth. "Nooooooooooooooo!!!!!" You yelled and he grinned at you with chocolate cake falling out. He started to cough and choke and you laughed. "That's what you get!!!" He swallowed and took a breath. "It was fucking worth it!!!" You punched his shoulder and he giggled. "Swiper no the fuck swiping!"

(I  don't  know  what  made  me  think  of  thisI guess  it's  coz  you  guys  made  me  write  about  them  being  a  bunch  of  food  items!!!!  You  freaks!!!)

At  least  I  got  a  cupcake  :D  -Ashton


I'm  sorry  honeyYou  look  ravishing!!! I-Is  that  a  knife?  *eyes  widenY/N  put  the  knife  down!!!  *ducksHahYou  missed!  *gets  hit  with  spoon*  -Calum

I  choked  on  a  cupcakeHow  do  I  feel  about  this?  -Michael

*comes  back  from  Thailand to do  thisSWIPER  NO  SWIPING!!!!  *slaps  Michael  without  a  fish*  -Luke

WHY?!  -Michael

*goes  back  to  ThailandI'm  safe.  -Luke

*goes  to  Thailand  and  chases  Luke*  -Michael

Hey  AshWanna  go  to  Fuji?  -Calum

*in  speedo  and  floppy  hatI  thought  you'd  never  ask.  -Ashton

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