After The Show

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Ashton: His hair was matted against his forehead and beads of sweat dripped down his arms and chest. He pulled off his tank top and panted, still coming off of his stage high.

"Ash do you need some water? Maybe a towel? Or a shirt?" You asked, a little flustered at the sight.

"Water would be delightful." He grinned, plopping down on one of the several couches in the dressing room.

Before you could go to grab a bottle, Ashton's fingers laced around your wrist. "Can I help you?"

He smiled and pulled you down into his lap, smothering you with sloppy kisses. His fingers danced across your waist and he laughed as you squealed and struggled to get free.

"Ashton! No! You're a sweat monster that smells like meat!" You squeaked as he continued to tickle you. "I want my lawyer!"

Ashton's laugh rumbled in his chest and he pressed a kiss to your cheek. "I may be a sweat monster, but I never hear you whine about it in bed."

"Wha-but-huh? That's irrelevant." You stammered. He smirked.

"What's up butt nuggets? That was a badass show we just played." Michael commented, walking into the room. Unfortunately for you, he was also a sweat monster.

"Butt nuggets?" Ashton questioned, holding you close. You tried to get away but he just kept you firmly against his chest.

"It just came to me." Michael responded, grabbing a water bottle for himself and for Ash.

"Your sweat is seeping into my clothes." You said grumpily.

"Just think of it as a present." Ashton chuckled, pressing kisses to your shoulder.

"I'd rather have food or a gift card to a place that only sells ceramic pigs."

Ashton ruffled your hair and finally released you. For some reason, you wish he didn't.

You got up and felt the Ashton residue that had soaked through your clothes. "Ok. Ew."

"Oops. Sorry babe." Ashton apologized while the other boys cackled.

You waved him off and rummaged through your things to find a non-Ashton-fied shirt. You quickly changed and walked back to find Ashton with a traffic cone on his head.


Michael started screaming gibberish and Luke was chucking apples at the traffic coned Ashton. Calum was filming the whole thing.

"I leave for two minutes and my boyfriend is taken to Coney island." You joked and Luke choked on his laughter.

"Y/N! Help!" Ashton yelled with a giggle.

You shook your head and lifted the traffic cone off his curly head. "Where did you even get this?"

"Outside. Duh." Michael replied.

"My ears are ringing. Is that bad?" Ashton asked, looking up at you.

"No. You're just an idiot."

He grinned proudly. "But I'm your idiot."

You giggled and sat next to him, resting your head on his now dried off shoulder. "That you are. But I love you."

He wrapped his arm you and kissed your temple. "I love you too. Thanks for coming to the show baby."

You nodded and gently snuggled into his side. "You were amazing. As usual. I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you Y/N. Thank you for being supportive."

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