He's Your Teacher (Michael)

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"Grab your lab partners and your pencils. We're going on an adventure!" Mr. Clifford announced to the class before sipping his Red Bull.
"Don't rat me out." He winked and finished the can. You giggled softly at him and picked up your pencil.
"Mr. Clifford will there be pollen where we're going? I'm highly allergic." A small boy asked, scratching his head. Mr. Clifford looked at the boy and raised an eyebrow.
"Yes Jesse there is. You're welcome to stay behind or join Mr. Irwin for the remainder of the class." The kid ended up sitting back down and pulled out his book. Me too kid. Me too.

Mr. Clifford led the class out towards a small, closed off pavilion a little ways from the school. It was a lovely day and the sky was clear. Perfect for exploring.
"Now the reason we're out here is because...well because I had way too much energy and I just wanted to get away from the school for a few minutes. I had to make it look official so I told you to bring your pencils. You won't actually need them. You're welcome."

Ok. Back in the classroom everyone was equally confused and a little worried about Mr. Clifford's sanity.
"Sorry about that guys. We're good! Ok! Now the real science begins. Today I will be showing you how to make bubbles inside bubbles. I know it says it's for kids, but dammit. We need to have fun too right?" The class cheered and you watched him roll up his sleeves, revealing some pretty sick tattoos. He had several black bands around his elbow and arm, and a symbol from the video game Final Fantasy. You definitely enjoyed looking at them. But then you noticed the two on his fingers. An X on his middle finger and an anchor on his thumb. He was honestly one of the coolest teachers you've ever had. The tattoos plus the piercings equals...hot mess Y/N.

"Gather around while I work my magic!" Mr. Clifford joked and grabbed all of the supplies it took to make bubbles within bubbles, which included; sugar, dish soap, water, a tablespoon, scissors, a pipette and a cup. Huh.

"First we fill the cup up with water to about nine or so ounces. Jenna will you do that for me?" He handed the plastic cup to the wide eyed girl. When her hand touched his, hers started shaking. She filled the cup up with water and brought it back, still shaking and spilling a bit. He smiled and took the water from her, making her almost drop it.
"Thank you Jenna. Now, Chris will you add a tablespoon of sugar to the water?" Mr. Clifford asked, handing him the tablespoon and sugar. Chris easily measured and poured in the tablespoon of sugar to the water.

"Perfect. We're doing great so far. Sugar water. How badly can you mess that up? You can't. Alrighty then. Moving on. Toni! Will you do the honors of adding two tablespoons of dish soap to the water?" She nodded and carefully poured the soap onto the silver spoon. When she added the soap, Mr. Clifford grinned and took over, stirring the mixture.

"We're almost to the fun part. But first I'll have Daniel cut off the end of the pipette. No cutting off fingers Dan. Bubbles are fun. Missing fingers are not."
Daniel grabbed the scissors and cut of the pipette like Mr. Clifford instructed. Now the experiment was ready to take place.

"Awesome! Who wants to make bubbles?" About a dozen hands went into the air, including yours. Mr. Clifford's eyes scanned over them and landed on your hand, moving down to your eyes.
"Y/N. C'mere." He beckoned softly and you moved over towards the counter, the class moving out of your way.
He dipped the pipette into the soapy solution and used his other hand to guide you in front of him. You didn't know how much taller he was until you were right in front of him. Damn.
He softly placed the pipette in your hand and smiled.
"Use this to blow a few bubbles onto the counter. Then you'll blow another one by putting the end of the pipette into the first bubble. Make sense?" He spoke softly in your ear. You nodded and began blowing bubbles. You gently blew bubbles inside one another, making a really cool stack of bubbles! A few students were completely hypnotized while the others basically fell asleep.
When you managed to blow up seven without popping any, Mr. Clifford patted your shoulder.
"Well done Y/N! Those look great. Thank you for being the level headed assistant to the mad scientist. Also known as me." He grinned and melted your insides into goo.

(Can  I  have  a  punk  looking  science  teacherPreferably  Michael  CliffordNoBut  whyI'm  a  good  girl.....or  a  bad  girl  that  hasn't  been  caught  ;)

How  the  hell  do  make  blowing  bubbles  sexual?  -Ashton

Well  the  word  'blowingis  involved...-Luke

*chokes  on  tea*  -Kenzie

HahGot  her.  -Calum

HeheBlowing.  -Luke

Shut  up  LukeI'll  make  Mentho  and  Coke  rockets  and  aim  them  at  your  ass.  -Michael

FeistyI  love  it.  -Luke

*coughsstill  dying  from  choking  on  tea*  -Kenzie

Is  anyone  gonna  help  her?  -Calum

NahShe'll  be  Ok.  -Ashton

Baby  blow  me  like  your  bubbles  ;)  -Luke

*snorts  and  chokes*  -Kenzie

DudeStop.  -Ashton

He's   killing  everyone.  -Calum

Bubbles  aren't  the  only  fun  things  to  blow.  -Michael


WhatI  was  talking  about  my  di-  Michael

YES  I  KNOW!  -Kenzie

Some  people  just  don't  know  how  to  have  fun.  -Calum

OoooohI  get  it  nowBlowingHehThat's  funny.  -Ashton

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