8 Family Members

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In this one the family members are the boys and their mums :3 GOD DAMN IT ASHTON (Sorry it's late again)

Ashton:  "Why are you so nervous Ash?" You asked, noticing him wringing his hands. "She's never seen the place before. Or spent Christmas with us." He mumbled and looked around at the decorations. "Babe she'll love it. If I know Anne, and I kind of do, she'll think it's amazing!" You encouraged. He cracked a smile and pulled you in his arms. "Thank you my jolly little elf." He joked and made you narrow your eyes. He giggled just as the doorbell rang. "Shit. Mum's here." He breathed and let you go. Rolling your eyes, you walked over to the door and opened it wide, instantly bringing Anne into your arms. "Y/N! It's wonderful to see you darling!" She beamed. You gladly returned her hug and brought her inside. "Ashton get your butt over here!" You yelled and his mum giggled softly, gazing at the tree and the lights around the banisters. Ashton slowly made his way over to the two of you with a smile on his face. "Hi mum!" You let Anne go so she could squeeze the crap out of her son. She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him tightly, Ashton almost falling over from the impact. "I missed you Ash." She whispered and Ashton's hands rubbed her back as he hugged his mum. "I missed you too. I'm glad you could make it." He replied and she pulled back to look at her boy. "It'll be great to spend Christmas with the two of you! It's been so long!" She teared up and kissed his cheek. Ashton buried his head in her shoulder and held her tight, finally being able to see her longer than a few days. "Oh my baby. I love you." She smiled and tousled his wild curls. Ash mumbled something in her shoulder but you couldn't quite figure it out. She wiped a tear from her cheek and patted his back. "Ash we could spend all day crying. But I'd rather you show me the place and share a few laughs if that's alright." She suggested and Ash smiled. "I'd like that." You both gave Anne the royal tour of your new place, showing her the NUTELLA cabinet and everything! But what really made her smile, was the large Christmas tree in the living room. You and Ashton had decorated it the same way Anne did with her kids when they were younger. She was so touched and had to leave the room a moment to compose herself. Ashton hugged your waist and kissed your cheek. "Thank you for helping me make this a good Christmas for my min."

Luke:  "Mama Hemmings!" You squealed and ran into her arms as she got off the plane. She laughed and hugged you tight, handing Luke her bag. Luke lifted it and grunted. "Geez mum. Did you bring the whole house?" He muttered. Liz gave him a look and whispered to you. "If you ever go anywhere, make him carry the bags. He could use a little muscular exercise." You giggled and Luke just raised an eyebrow at you. "Oh cheer up Lucas! Your mum is here!" You gestured to queen Liz. Luke set the bag down and pulled her into a bone crushing hug. "Hi mum! I'm hugging you!" He yelled in an annoying voice and she looked at you over his shoulder. "Does he do this to you too?" She asked, slightly strained from Luke's arms squishing the life out of her. You nodded and whacked Luke's arm. "Mothers need to breathe too babe." He loosened his grip and smiled widely. "I missed you a lot mum." He admitted and she squeezed his hand. "I know you did. It's easy to miss me." You burst out laughing and Luke pouted, making Liz giggle. "And yes of course I missed you too Lucas. I always do." When you all got back to the hotel, Luke huffed and carried all the bags to the elevator. You felt bad about it and Liz brought up the fact that she birthed him and he kind of owed her. God bless Queen Liz. "So this is your first time spending Christmas in Europe?" You asked and she nodded. "Luke insisted that I come and spend the Christmas break with him before I go back to teaching. I'm glad I came." She said with a smile and a hug around your shoulders. The elevator closed on Luke's left leg and you heard him cuss loudly as he banged the door back open. "Luke are you Ok?" You asked and he finally got the door open, his hair flopping down in his face. "Just getting beat up by machinery." He mumbled and kept the door open letting you both inside. The door hit him in the stomach and he made a loud 'Oof' noise. Liz pulled him in and the door closed. "Can't take you anywhere!" She sassed and Luke looked over at you. "This is going to be the best Christmas ever."

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