How You Announce Your Engagement

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This is super cute and I came up with Luke's while I was in daydream land. That doesn't mean anything. Psh. Ok I'm gonna write now.

Ashton: With Ashton, things were simple and toned down. Just the way you liked it.

He had proposed to you in the comfort of his home country and brought you to dinner with his family. Anne congratulated you both and marveled at the lovely ring Ashton had put on it.

"Y/N are you ready?" Ashton asked, gently stroking your hair.

"Mm. I don't wanna leave." You mumbled, burying your head in his shoulder.

His chuckle vibrated through your body. "I know love. But we gotta get back on the road. Tour starts again soon."

"Can we at least get muffins? I feel like we deserve muffins. Chocolate chip and blueberry ones. Ooh with whipped cream on top. And maybe some hot chocolate."

Ashton pulled you off the bed and patted your behind softly. "As you wish. Just get your things together first and we'll go."

You've never packed so quickly in your life.

"Muffins?" You squeaked, making Ashton laugh.

"Alright Y/N. Muffins."

You visited a cute little bakery in his hometown and decided to eat your goodies there.

The bakery smelled like sugar and freshly baked bread. It felt cozy and perfect for your last day here.

"Two chocolate chip muffins and two large hot chocolates please. Uh for here." Ashton handed the lady his card and waited on the transaction as you browsed the shop.

"Ashton Irwin right? You used to work at the KFC." The owner recalled, sliding Ashton's card.

"Yes ma'am. That was a long time ago though. It's interesting that you remember that."

"Oh honey, we all know about your band. We're proud of you. I used to babysit you when you were quite a bit smaller. I doubt you remember that."

Ashton grinned. "Well thank you for dealing with me then."

The lady smiled and glanced over at you. "Is that your girlfriend?"

"My fiancee actually. Of about two days."

"Oh! I'll be right back!" She scrambled to the kitchen.

"Ash what's going on?" You asked, coming up to hold his hand.

"I'm not sure yet. But she used to babysit me apparently. I'm surprised she isn't traumatized."

You giggled as the lady reappeared, holding a plate with two chocolate chip muffins. "Here you are dearies. It's not much, but it's my way of a congratulations."

Ashton took the plate and grinned at the words piped in chocolate on the tops. One said, "Groom to be." And the other said, "Bride to be."

"Thank you very much." You said. "That's perfect."

"In fact, I think I it's the perfect picture for everyone to see." Ashton pulled out his phone and snapped a picture, posting it everywhere possible.

"It's simple, and adorable." He commented.

"And covered in chocolate. What more could you want?" You added.

"Just to be married to you."

Luke: Luke clicked the upload button and you kissed his cheek as the video went up.

"I hope they think it's cute." He worried, chewing on his now ringless lip.

"Luke it was so much fun and I think everyone will love it." You smiled, the other boys walking in.

5SOS Preferences and Requests (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now