YouNow Tomorrow

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Hi Floppy Dishtowels!

Tomorrow is the YouNow I'm doing for the second anniversary of 5sos preferences!

If you didn't already know, my username on YouNow is KenzieFloppyDishtowel coz why not? You'll find me easily.

I'm so excited to talk to you guys again. I missed doing those.

I have also received information that two Floppy Dishtowels have birthdays tomorrow! So hopefully they watch so I can say happy birthday!

We also may have one of my friends join us as well! Her name is Ally so if she shows up, we'll just act natural.... Psh. Nah. She knows I'm weird....just not to the point of me turning band members into donuts....

Anyway... I'm so happy I get to do a YouNow with you guys. I'm glad you guys actually watch. It means a lot.

Because I love you so much, I'm going to write another weird preference about Ashton for you. Enjoy. xx

He's  Trapped  In  A  Video  Game (Ashton)  (Requested  by  Punk_Rock_Malum on Twitter)

Ashton: He woke up to weird electronic sounds and pixelated graphics surrounding him.

"What the...?" He glanced around, seeing red ladders everywhere and random barrels rolling by. "What is this?"

The NES Donkey Kong music began to play and an angry looking Donkey Kong started throwing barrels down the ladders.

"Oh flub nuggets." Ashton swore, if that counts as a swore. The music picked up and the barrels threatened to knock him off the platform.

He jumped over the first of the barrels and did a victory dance before the second one came and bounced into his stomach. Keeled over, Ashton grunted and kept his ground.

"Why is this happening?! This is not fun!" He squeaked, jumping over another barrel. "Why am I in Donkey Kong?"

From the outside of the game were Calum and Michael, laughing at the mini Ashton being bumped around in the game. They were pushing buttons and moving the joystick to try to make things harder for Ashton.

"Wait! Make him go left and then run right into the barrel!" Calum suggested, nudging Michael with a hard elbow.

"Ow. That's what I was going to do idiot." Michael mumbled, moving Ashton to the left, and then right into a rolling barrel.

"My chicken tenders." Ashton groaned, covering his crotch.

"Ohmygod. I gotta pee." Calum laughed, and ran out of the room.

"This is the best." Michael cackled, making Ashton run into barrels as well as the ladders.

"Ow. Ow. Ow." Ashton mumbled, getting banged up and bruised. "Make it stop! I'm sorry I ate the last Dorito! I was hungry! Don't punish me for that!"

Pretty soon, Michael was on the floor, holding his stomach and Calum was nowhere to be found, but his laughter could be heard from everywhere.

"Finally. Game over. Can I leave now?" Ashton panted heavily.

Suddenly, the game music started up again and the barrels came flying twice as fast and hard.

"Motherfluffer!" Ashton yelped, getting whacked with two barrels at once. One hit him in the gut, and the other hit him smack in the face.

"Michael! Ohmygod!" Calum wheezed, holding on to the couch for support.

Michael gazed up at the screen and saw what Calum was freaking out about. "Oh dear lord."

Ashton tried to jump over a barrel, but one came out of nowhere and got him in the chest, knocking him down on top of the first barrel.

"What are you guys doing?" Luke asked, walking into the room.

"Look!" Calum snorted, pointing to the pixelated screen.

Luke moved closer and let out a squeal when he realized that poor Ashton was trapped in the game. "How did he-what the? How?!"

Michael was red in the face, trying to come up with an answer, but all that came out were little squeaks and  giggles.

Calum ran back to the bathroom, holding his legs together to not let anything leak out.

Luke stared at the screen and watched Ashton tumble and fall over and over. "What if we unplug it and just turn it back on? Won't he be back to normal?"

He pretty much talked to himself since the other two were incapable of doing anything other than laughing.

Luke shrugged and left the game alone, leaving Ashton to fight for himself.

(Haha.  Ohmygod.  I  love  this.  I  can't  wait  to  write  the  other  boys  being  trapped  in  video  games.  I'm  so  excited  for  tomorrow  guys!  I  apologize  if  I'm  really  tired.  I'm  at  the  ER  right  now  at  midnight  and  I  have  to  get  up  early.  So  I  apologize  if  I  look  like  a  zombie  or  Arzaylea.  Oh  god.  The  shade.  I'm  sorry.  Don't  eat  me. 

I  love  you  Dishtowels! 

-Kenzie xx)

What  the  hell  guys?!  Lemme  out!  -Ashton

Maybe  we  should...-Luke

No.  You  don't  wanna  do  that  mate.  It's  hilarious.  -Devil  Calum  on  Luke's  shoulder

But  he  could  be  hurt...*looks  at  other  shoulder*  -Luke

Dude.  C'mon.  It's  fucking  funny.  -Devil  Michael  on  Luke's  other  shoulder

I  thought  there  was  supposed  to  be  a  devil  and  an  angel.  -Luke

This  is  what  you  get.  Like  it  or  not.  -Devil  Calum

Unplug  it!  *gets  whacked  with  barrel*  -Ashton

Don't  unplug  it!  -Devil  Michael

But  he's  getting  hurt.  *reaches  for  plug*  -Luke

Do  it  and  you  won't  get  any  Doritos.  -Devil  Calum

Ooh.  Doritos.  -Luke

We  got  him.  -Devil  Michael

No.  This  is  wrong.  *unplugs  machine*  -Luke

Noooo.  *distorted*  -Devil  Calum


5SOS Preferences and Requests (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now