Q&A Video

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So I answered all of the questions I had gotten from you guys and made a video! Thank you so much for participating and for sending some really awesome questions! You guys are amazing. And I love you all so much.

I apologize for the bad quality of the video...and of me xD I hope you enjoy it! If you liked it, let me know and I can do some more in the future! I LOVE YOU FLOPPY DISHTOWELS!!!

I got a question. Why don't I get more questions? -Ashton

Lanky twinkle fuck. *sigh* -Luke

That was fun. Kinda. It's cool that Kenzie wants to snuggle with me and Mikey ;) -Calum

What's with the hair jokes? That's just mean! My hair's very sensitive! -Michael

Also, that pick up line. Yes. -Ashton

5SOS Preferences and Requests (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now