Christmas In July (A Horror Story)

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So I got this idea from my grandparents. We had a very strange conversation and I decided to make something of it. I hope you guys love it!

In July you might expect heat, sweating, and sunburns instead of snow. But Deranged Santa haunts the house no matter the weather. The boys quickly figured this out when they brought in the hand-me-down Santa mannequin into their shared home.
Everything was great around the holidays and no one seemed to have a problem with Santa until strange things happened in July.

"Ashton seriously. Open the door. We're tired and grumpy and I'm pretty sure you don't want to get hit in the head with a bass guitar." Calum mumbled angrily at the curly headed boy fidgeting with his keys.
"Where's your sense of adventure? You never know what awaits us!" Ashton said, pushing the key in the lock. Someone, somewhere in the neighborhood was playing Christmas songs driving Luke and Michael crazy. If Ashton didn't open the door soon, his head would end up being used as the key.
"Relax babies. I got this." Ashton bragged finally getting the door unlocked.
"Yes. Food. Bed. Life." Michael grumbled, pushing past the other boys. Luke almost fell into the potted plant just to the left of the door. Calum had a pretty good laugh about that but then went right back to being crabby.
"I'm starving and there's nothing to eat." Michael complained in a very annoying whiny voice. Ashton rolled his eyes and set down his bags.
"Then get something out of the fridge. That's where we usually keep the food. Unless you'd rather have bathtub spaghetti." Bathtub spaghetti sounds really disgusting to some people. And they would be right. Don't try it at home kids.
Michael took off towards the kitchen before letting out a feminine squeal.
"Either something scared him, or we have a random pig in the house. I'm willing to take care of the pig. I'd name him Gerald." Luke chimed in with more of his useless commentary.
"Ok funny guys! You got me! Now put it away! It's creepy!" Michael screeched, staring at the worn out Santa standing in front of him. The other boys made it into the kitchen and had the same reaction. Screams and little jumps of terror wracked their bodies. It almost got to the point where it was ridiculous. Almost.
"You guys didn't put him here?" Mikey questioned, very aware of his Jolly friend. Luke, Calum, and Ashton all exchanged glances and shook their heads.
"We were with you the whole time!" "You saw us!" "I gave you a breath mint!" Came out all at once. Then it suddenly got eerily quiet. Neither of them had moved it. No one they knew would've known where the Santa man was. Very peculiar.
"Ok. Well. I guess we put him back in the basement?" Calum suggested. Luke nodded while Ashton picked up Deranged Santa, taking him back to his workshop in the basement. Michael let out a forced laugh and coughed on air filling his lungs. Calum gave him a look before Luke interrupted.
"Guys what if Santa doesn't like the basement? What if he doesn't like the dark? Does that mean he'll kill us?" Well that's a little farfetched Luke. Wouldn't you agree reader? Yes? Great. Let's move on.
"Luke, Santa isn't real. Let alone that creepy mannequin Santa. It's OK. Santa isn't going to come for you in his sleep."

That night, Luke tossed and turned in his sleep, worried that something wasn't quite right with Santa. He'd wake up from nightmares every few hours, convinced they were real.
"Luke. Breathe. There's no such thing as Santa. There's no such thing as Santa."
He reached over and switched on his lamp, revealing the mangled Santa figure beside his bead. A scream erupted from Luke's throat as he threw off the blankets, scrambling to get out of the room. He tore down the hallway to Michael's room, panting and whimpering.
"Michael! Open the door!" He panicked, pounding on the door. A few seconds later, a frumpy and grumpy looking Michael opened the door.
"I am this close to beating you with your own legs." He growled. Luke panted and pushed Michael inside, making sure to close and lock the door behind him.
"Santa's in my room." Luke whispered. Mike stayed silent for a moment to process his band mate's words.
"Like he sees you when you're sleeping?" He joked. Luke was obviously not amused.
"No. I turned on my light and he was right there! He was looking into my soul! He knows my weaknesses!" Luke looked around, completely paranoid. It was around three am and everything was silent. Besides Luke's screaming and clomping down the hallway.
"Hear that?" Michael whispered. "It's the sound of people sleeping. And that sound is peace and quiet. Will you respect that and leave?"
Luke ignored him and curled up on the bed.
"I didn't make fun of you when Santa was in the kitchen." He muttered at Michael.
Michael rolled his eyes and sat beside him.
"You really saw Santa in your room?" He questioned. Luke nodded and hid underneath the blankets.
"Let's go see if he's still there." Michael threw the covers off of Luke and pulled him off the bed. Luke flopped onto the floor and made a loud grunt.

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