Ridiculous Dares

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Hi guys! I GOT MY DRIVER'S LICENSE! Whoop whoop! Ahem. I'm done.

Thank you TWIZZLE502 for this insanely creative request! I hope you like it babe!

Ashton"C'mon keep going!" You encouraged as he tied bandana after bandana. His legs were completely bound and he was working on his hips and waist. "I can't believe you dared me to do this." He muttered and tied another bandana. You let out a giggle and watched him try to balance himself on his wrapped legs. Pretty soon his upper half was now bandana-ized and he was wrapping his arms and shoulders. "Need some help?" You offered and he shushed you. "Silence is what will bring me completion and wholeness." He breathed and concentrated. You watched as he moved higher up his body with the multicolored bandanas taking over him. Eventually just his eyes were showing and he managed to make himself into a bandana mummy. "Do you feel completed and whole now?" You asked and his reply was muffled. He seemed to be wobbling quite a bit. It would be a shame if something were to.....knock him over......You held up your finger and watched his eyes widen. His muffled voice came out in shouts of "No! No! My butt isn't cushioned enough!" You poked his chest and he wobbled for a moment before going down. He fell to the ground with a thud  and a groan in protest. "Next time choose truth."

Luke"Hey Luke! I dare you to eat that squirrel dipped in NUTELLA." You said and he picked up the squirrel and dipped it in NUTELLA and ate it. And that's how Luke Hemmings died of disease. Don't eat squirrels kids.

Calum"Y/N please. Anything but that." He pleaded and you smirked, the other boys dying from laughter. "Sorry Calum. You know the rules. Man up. Or should I say, man down?" You joked. Luke passed out from laughing too hard. Calum whined and stomped his foot, making a scene. "But I don't wanna!" He complained and you rolled your eyes. "Calum just go put on the damn dress." Twenty minutes later, Calum came back down the stairs in a sparkly blue dress, a pair of silver high heels, and a glittery tiara. If he didn't have such a deep voice, he could've passed for a woman. "Calina you look just stunning!" Ashton commented and Michael shook with laughter. Calum's eyes narrowed at the two of them as he tripped on the four inch heels. "Ok Calum. The dare is pretty simple. You just have to walk outside and act all pretty! And once someone comes along, you pull them aside and say, 'I'm ready for the pageant!'" You giggled and Calum huffed. "Calum you look so sexy." Michael added and the laughter started up again. "Ha ha. Funny. But the joke's on you! I do look sexy dammit!" He flipped his fake hair and tripped out the door. Ashton, Michael, You, and eventually a revived Luke, all stood at the door waiting to see who would get the surprise of a lifetime. Calum wobbled on his heels and adjusted himself through the fabric of the dress. Classy. Just when you thought it couldn't get any better, the first person to walk by was a six foot five ginormous football player. Calum swallowed thickly and stopped the giant man. "Um....can I help you miss?" His voice boomed. Calum cleared his voice and he struck a pose. "I'm ready for the pageant." The man busted up laughing and looked towards the door where the rest of you were standing. "Lemme guess. Epic dare?" He asked and Calum let out a breath. "You have no idea."

Michael"Seriously? That's all I have to do?" He asked with a giant smile on his face. You nodded and giggled, excited to see if he'd actually do it. He shrugged and pulled down his pants, revealing some pretty bright boxers. "I got this." Before he stepped outside, he jumped up and down and got in the zone for his dare. Once he was ready he shot out of the house and down the street waving his arms like a maniac. "MY PANTS RAN AWAY!" He screamed and did a few lunges before taking off again. "My! Pants! Ran! Away! They! Committed!  Suiticide!" He kicked a few lawn knomes and ran into a tree before he was chased by a wiener dog. The neighbors got quite the eyefull when Michael fell over and ripped his boxers straight down the middle. The dog got quite the mouthful when Michael's butt was in it's face. You heard Mikey's shouts of pain and panic (hah Disney reference) along with the yaps of the ass ravenous wiener dog. You felt bad but at the same time it was the best day of your life. "BAD DOG! NO! OW! THAT'S NOT A CHEW TOY! Y/NNNNNNNNNN!!!!!"

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