He's A Demon (Lashton)

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Hehehe I've done angels, now the demons take over ;)


 His eyes were black, soulless pits, staring into you

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His eyes were black, soulless pits, staring into you. The smile on his face sent a wave of terror through your body.
"Who are you?" You whimpered, trying to hide your shaking hands.

"Y/N you already know me quite well." He responded, never blinking. "You've seen me in your nightmares and in the dark shadows in your room."

A shiver ran down your spine as his voice made you cringe. "Leave me alone!"

He laughed. "You know that's not possible. I'm always here."

"What are you?"

"I'm a demon. What do you expect? I have black eyes." He sassed, crossing his arms. He let down his guard a bit and considered you. "You're reacting differently than I thought you would."

"I don't know how to react. I'm scared." You admitted, staying far enough away from him.

The demon tilted his head and raised an eyebrow. "Interesting." He quickly transported in front of you and smirked.

You jumped, startled. "How did you do that?"

"I told you. I'm a demon." He gently ran a long finger down your cheek. "Hmm. You do have a lovely vessel."

"Hell no." You swatted his hand away. "I'm not giving you my body. That's not until like the third date."

He laughed and you noticed his eyes switch back and forth from black to hazel.

"What's your name?" You asked.

"My name is Azazel. My vessel is named Ashton. Does this answer your question?"

You nodded. "Why did you take Ashton?"

"He was useless in my opinion. I thought I'd enrich his life this way." He spoke, smirking at your expression. "You look worried my dear."

"I just don't understand why you prey on innocent people. Ashton could be a nice person." You spoke softly.

"You really believe that all of his heart is pure? That not one part is jet black?" He inquired, staring at you.

"I believe that he's better than you think he is."

He cackled and his eyes looked even more black than before. "Lies. He's dead inside. Just like you will be."

Then everything went dark and you felt another presence in your body.



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