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Hello my floppy dishtowels. I hope you are doing well this evening, morning, afternoon, 3 am, hell time, etc. I have things to tell you!

I started a group therapy thingy tonight and I actually enjoyed it! I found out most of them like 5sos and all the bands I like! And they're all 3 years younger than me....oops! Who cares? Anyways, I'm gonna brag about you guys tomorrow because you're the best. #FloppyDishtowelsUnite

I HAD ANOTHER FREAKING HILARIOUS DREAM LAST NIGHT AND I WOKE UP LAUGHING!!!!!! So I dreamt that I was in my 8th grade English class (fave teacher btw) and we were talking about book characters and stuff for "points". Well she was doing a demonstration of a topic and picking a character's name out of a bowl. So the topic was putting so and so through a random tragedy. She reached in the bowl and pulled out a paper and said "Primrose Everdeen" and I started laughing and she got mad at me and said, "Kenzie you don't get any points!" I ended the dream by saying "It was totally worth it!"

Ahem. Back to 5SOS. What you're here for. Luke is still a skinny jean giraffe, Calum's hair looks like chocolate and vanilla ice cream, Ashton's arms are killing the whole fam, and Michael's eyebrow piercing....RIP. You will be missed.

OOOOH I ALMOST FORGOT!!!! I have gotten so many messages from you guys. All of them make me smile and cry and I can't thank you enough for that. Over 100 of you have sent me encouraging messages about depression, anxiety, and other mental health stuff. And a lot of you sent messages to tell me you like my writing. I love every single one I get. So thank you so much. And I'm so sorry if I respond late or don't even respond at all. It's not that I'm ignoring you at all!!! I love you and I can't believe you take time to tell me those sweet things. You're amazing. #FloppyDishtowelArmy

He's A Donut Part 2 (The Unrealistic Version)

Ashton: After he scared the crap out of you by screaming bloody murder, he cracked up for about five minutes. You just stared at the donut and pinched yourself, hoping this was a dream or a hallucination. Sadly it wasn't. Ashton was very much real. "Didn't I make a good pun though? C'mon donut eat me was hilarious! I'm sprinkled pink!" He shouted and you picked up the spatula of death and slammed it down on the donut. "Who's laughing now flatbread?!"

Luke: He smiled at you and Y/B/F and you heard her giggle. "You're like really hot!" She squealed and you facepalmed yourself. The boy just laughed and crossed his arms across his chest. "Thanks love. You're pretty cute yourself." He complimented and you were pretty sure Y/B/F just forgot how to breathe. The boy turned his attention to you and grinned, his black lip ring standing out against his light skin. "Thank you for saving me. You were right, I was a donut the whole time." He admitted and whistled. A unicorn named Prancy Pantsy showed up and carried you and Luke off into the sunset, Y/B/F left behind with a pile of sugar.

Calum: You took him to the hospital to check out his concussion and he turned back into a donut. This time he was chocolate with lemon drizzle. He was the real Lemony Snicket xD Get it?

Michael: Uh you kinda ate him in part one. Unless you want me to write about him being digested.....I'd rather not if it's all the same to you.

(Yay unrealistic fun!!!! xD Coz part one was realistic... Psh obviously. Hope you enjoyed it my lovelies. Mwah! Thank you!)

I am appaled. Flatbread? What a rude insult. Never say it again!!! -Ashton

Hahahaha unicorn named Prancy Pantsy. That's entertainment done right. -Luke

Lemony Snicket is a real hot ticket he can busta rhyme like Squidwards picket (sign). -Calum

So I traveled down the esophagus and into your......chestal area? Yeah. Then I moved down to your stomach and lounged for a bit. Then I proceeded to- -Michael

STOP!!!! -Ashton, Luke, Calum, and Kenzie

Hey Y/N ate me! This is the rest of my story!!!! -Michael

Sorry sprinkle face. You're done. -Kenzie

Oooh!!! Do you need some ice for that BURN??? -Luke

*lights Luke on fire* -Michael

Dammit not again. -Ashton


*maniacal laughter* -Michael

*sighs and gets fire extinguisher and sprays Luke* -Kenzie

At least I'm Lukewarm....*coughs* -Luke

*lights him on fire* -Ashton

5SOS Preferences and Requests (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now