11 Broken Guitar Strings

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Welcome back!!! 11 Days until Christmas!!!

The snow outside hadn't let up yet and it was getting closer to Christmas. It was overall a great day.....until Michael snapped another one of Luke's guitar strings, making this number three. He was furious. Luke had pissed him off and now he was taking it out on the poor strings. Luke walked back into the room and stared at Michael. "What are you doing?" He asked and Michael mumbled something and snapped another one. Four. "Michael! Stop! Why are you angry at the strings?!" Luke screamed and ran to grab the strings out of Mikey's hands. "You hid it from me!" Michael said, hurt, and pulling the strings back. Snap! Five. "Hid what?! Your sanity?!" Snap! Six. "My passport you butt elf! You had it in your bag the whole time! I missed shows and interviews because of you!" Michael shouted angrily, obviously not in the Christmas spirit. Ashton waltzed in wearing a Santa hat and reindeer boxers while holding a beer in his hand. "Geez sounds like you boys won't be getting anything from Santa this year." He muttered and sat on the sofa. Michael glared at him and picked up another string. Snap! Seven. "Michael I'm sorry! I didn't know it was in there until you left....that sounds bad." Luke admitted and Michael rolled his eyes. "You think?" By now Ashton had turned on 'Home Alone' and cranked the volume up over the incessant nagging. "Look I didn't mean for it to happen. I'm sorry." Luke said softly. Snap! Eight. Calum interrupted by whacking them both on the head with candy canes and shouting, "Shut up and make some hot cocoa or wrap each other in wrapping paper! Let it go! It's been like three days!" Michael and Luke both sat in silence and blinked at Calum. It was quiet for a few moments before Luke jumped up to steal the strings back. "Let go you oversized noodle!" Michael screamed, yanking on the thin wires. "Never ketchup head!" Snap snap!!! Nine. Ten. Kenzie had heard enough and stormed into the room holding her phone, the Wattpad app open. "Would you boys shut up?! I'm trying to write cute Christmas stuff about you and you're being babies!" Snap! Eleven. She ripped the strings away from the boys and threw them out the window. "Now act like nice little giraffes and finish getting the house ready for Christmas." She said and stole Calum's candy cane. He pouted and licked the other one in his hand. Ashton was chuckling on the couch, the Santa hat covering his eyes. "She sees you when you're fighting, she knows when you're a dick, she knows if you've been dumb or sweet so shut up for Kenzie's sake." He sang on the top of his lungs. Luke grumbled and shoved a Santa hat on his head and pouted. Michael put on his green and red striped socks and flipped Luke off. Merry Christmas.

(AwwhMuke  needs  to  let  it  goAnd  stop  breaking  guitar  stringsIt's  almost  ChristmasBe  nice!)

Did  you  see  my  songIt  was  amazingI  have  no  idea  how  I  thought  of  itI'm  such  a  genuis!  -Ashton

*ignores  Michael  and  laughs  at  AshtonOh  AshtonYour writing  skills  are  devine!  -Luke

Wtf  is  going  onLuke  you  sound  like  a  stuck  uprichwhite  guy.  -Luke

*mumblesHe  is.  -Michael

*hits  them  all  over  the  head  with  a  Christmas  tree*  Ok.  From  now  onit's  only  Christmas  talk!!!  -Kenzie

FineMichael  could  guide  Santa's  sleigh  because  of  his  bigfatred  head.  -Luke

And  Luke  could  be  the  North  Pole.  (Coz  he's  tallGet  it?)  -Michael

Ashton  what's  furry  and  minty?  -Calum

Uh...I  dunno.  -Ashton

A  polo  bear.  -Calum


Luke  why  did  Michael  stop  talking  to  you?  -Michael

*glares* Why?  -Luke

Because  you're  an  idiot.  -Michael

That's  not  Christmassy  at  all.  -Kenzie

I  hope  Santa  brings  me  that  mistletoe  belt  I  asked  for.....-Ashton

*chokes  on  eggnog*  -Calum

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