Spend the Night (Ashton)

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So this one's a lot happier than the last chapter. Thank goodness. But I thought I'd lighten things up with some good ol' puns and humor.

You glanced at the time on your phone and frowned. It was already past 1 am. That's awfully late to be driving home. Especially with all the drunks out and about. It's probably not the best idea.
"Y/N!" You jumped and dropped your phone on the couch and looked up at Ashton's smiling face.
"You're spending the night. There's nothing you can do about it." He stated.
"Ok that's-"

"Now I know what you're thinking Y/N. You think I just want to get into your pants. That's correct, but that's not the main reason." He rambled.

"Ash I'm fi-"

"You're not going out there alone. I don't trust anyone out there. I want my girl safe. So you're staying."

"Ashton seri-"

"Don't argue with me Y/N! I will win this argument!"

"Ashton! I was going to stay over anyway!" You yelled over his incessant babbling. He blinked at you.
"Oh. Why didn't you say that in the first place?"
You threw a pillow at his head and rolled your eyes.
"I couldn't because my boyfriend can't shut up."
Ashton pouted and held the pillow to his chest.
"I'm sorry Y/N. I wub you." He said cutely, trying to make you smile. It ended up working because it's contagious.

"I get the left side of the bed." Ashton told you, setting up the bed the way he likes it.
"But what if I want the left side?" You questioned. He stopped his bed making and glared at you.
"Then you will be terminated."
You nodded and climbed onto the right side of the bed.
"Then I won't disturb the peace."

"That's wise darling." He winked and climbed onto the bed beside you.
"In the morning I'll make you breakfast Ok? I promise. It'll be ready before you wake." He said, pecking your lips.
"I'm expecting more than toast." You giggled and he kissed your forehead.
"You got it babe. Sleep well Ok? I'm here if you need me."

At about 4 am, you managed to find your way over on top of Ashton's chest, waking him up.
"Hmm. Y/N?" He whispered. You were sound asleep, getting all up in his space.
"If you wanted to touch me, you could've just asked. Especially when you were awake." He murmured, rubbing your back softly.

You woke up at about 10 am. Ashton had not. He was still snoozing away underneath you. You blinked and looked at where you were, confused as to when you got to his chest. You gently poked his cheek and got an interesting reaction.
"Don't do that Mr. Squiggles. It's not good for the baby." He mumbled in his sleep and you giggled, poking him again.
"No. Not the alien probe." He grunted and moved a bit. "That doesn't feel nice."
You burst out laughing and rolled off his chest, onto the bed beside him.
"Don't harm the puppy. I'll give you my left foot. Just don't hurt him." He whined, letting out a loud snore.
Your stomach started to hurt from laughing and you shook him awake.
"Ash. Ash wake up. Ohmygod." You gasped and he finally opened his eyes.
"Good morning. When did you wake up?" He asked, his voice deep with sleep.
"About 5 minutes ago. But a lot happened since then."

"Like what?"

"Well you were talking in your sleep." You said vaguely.

"Oh god. What did I say?" He looked concerned and sat up.

"Something about Mr. Squiggles, an alien probe, and a puppy." You summed up, giggling from the insanity.
"That must've been terrifying." He ran a hand through his hair, looking at you.
"It was fucking hilarious! I loved it!" You laughed, surprising him.
"I'm glad it was entertaining..." He mumbled, pouting.
"Don't give me that face. I don't like the face." You whined, covering his face with your hands. He giggled and licked your hands, making you squeal.
"No licking!"
He smirked and licked your lips.
"How about that?" He purred and you shook your head.
"I'd rather have breakfast. Which you said would be ready by now."
He obviously didn't expect that answer.
"Ok I'll give you that one. I did say that. Sorry babe." He said with a sheepish grin.
"Geez. You need to stop being the sun. You're too adorable." You mumbled, Ashton kissing your cheek.
"Nah. You like it." He said against your skin. His arms circled around your waist and brought you into his lap.
"Now this I could wake up to every morning." He admitted, kissing your shoulder.
"You talking in your sleep with no food ready?" You sassed, making him laugh.
"More like your smile and your laugh Y/N. I could wake up every morning to that and never get bored. I'd be so happy to see you."

(Daww. Ash. You're cute. I lub you.

This album is taking over my ability to function. I love it. And Luke. Yes. Definitely. Always.)

Yay! Finally a nice and happy chapter about me! I'm not an ass! This is the best thing ever! -Ashton

I love you Ash. I'm sorry I do that...-Kenzie

Hah. She mentioned me at the end. You're all losers. -Luke

And we're alright with that. -Calum

Sweet song reference. -Michael

Luke don't. Ashton your drumming is insanely incredible. You're so talented. Michael your vocals and guitar riffs are enough to make me weak. Good job. Calum your bass playing and vocals killed me. Especially in Invisible. Damn. And of course Luke. Your voice sounds so good and your guitar as well. I loved your writing on Story of Another Us. You boys blew me away. -Kenzie

Awww. Thanks :) -Ashton

*kiss kiss* -Luke

Ew. He spit on her. -Calum

Figures. Dork. Thanks Kenzie! -Michael

Yeah thanks! Invisible is amazing. -Calum

*wipes spit off* Sorry...-Luke

*Kenzie's thoughts* There are two ways this could go. -Kenzie

*Kenzie's actual words* Heh. Luke Hemmings' spit is on my face. -Kenzie

.........-The Boys

*Kenzie's thoughts* That wasn't the right one.

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