Kenzie Is Sorry

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I keep doing this, I'm sorry. I write, then I disappear for a few days. What the hell?

I'm sorry I've been lazy about it. It's been a very very hard week.

Earlier this week I found out that my 7 year old cousin has very serious cancer. She has tumors on her ribs, kidney, and one near her airways. She started Chemotherapy today and she's going to be very sick. I hope you'll all keep her in your prayers.
One thing that would mean so much to me, and to her I hope, is if you send her messages of hope and love. She needs all of it. She's one of seven children and she's only 7 years old. Her name is Josie and she's the cutest little thing. I wish her and her family all the healing thoughts and love. Thanks floppy dishtowels.

I've also been quite sick this week. Started off as a cold, turned into full blown sickness, got a bit better, then ended up getting food poisoning. So lots of not happy fun times. Hopefully I'll feel better for Thanksgiving and this week.

Another thing that happened. You all remember Anthony. Well, let's just say our friendship is officially over. He believes that my anxiety is an illusion, that I'm faking it. He told me that he couldn't support an illusion.
Years of friendship ended because apparently my mental illness was too much for him.
He was my best friend. We did so much together and it's like none of it mattered to him.
It's completely heartbreaking. But I now realize that I need people in my life that don't make me feel like my mental illness is my fault.
I hope he finds what he's looking for and that he's happy.

Apart from the dark and depressing days, Michael Gordon Clifford turned 20 years old. Baby. I love you and I'm so proud of everything you have done. You make me laugh and give me such a big smile. You're amazing and the 5sos fam loves you to death. Keep being you, and don't ever think you're anything less than amazing.

HDWEUH came out as well. I gotta film ever. Just saying. I love it. I may or may not have cried during Beside You.

5sos will always be such a huge part of my life. And yours for sure. These boys have brought all of us together and we're not alone. Sounds Good Feels Good is like the album of my life. They bring up situations that so many of us go through and are currently going through. It means so much to hear an artist who's our age, talk about these things. I'm so proud of them.
This album is definitely helping me through this week and I hope it's helping all of you floppy dishtowels.

One of my ultimate dreams is to be an artist kind of like 5sos. I'd love to be able to share songs and experiences with people around the world. Being on stage is one of my favorite things and it brings me more happiness than anything.
5sos really proved to me that I can do anything. So maybe I'll have an album of my own someday.

Enough of that. I'm sorry I keep getting sidetracked and just bleh. I hope you're all doing well. I'm sorry if you're annoyed with all of my rambling. But you kind of signed up for this. No complaining.

I love you all so much. I promise to have a funny and lighthearted preference for you guys tomorrow. Right now, Kenzie needs food and sleep. In that order.

Thank you for letting me write to you. ❤
-Kenzie xx

She puked in my drum kit. -Ashton

She sneezed on my leg. -Luke

Oh yeah? She coughed right next to my face. -Calum

I got pizza and cake. :) -Michael

Happy birthday Mikey baby! -Kenzie

Rude. -Calum

Y/N would never puke in my drum kit. -Ashton

Boo hoo. -Luke

Oi. Anyway. Josie we hope you get better and stay strong. We believe in you. -Michael

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