He's Your Teacher (Calum)

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Floppy Dishtowels unite! Hi babes! It's been a few days! Let me give you the run down.

So I've been working a few days each week :) got my first pay check on Friday and it feels pretty good! But my feet hurt haha! That's what I get for sitting at home, doing nothing.

I had my second graduation party last night. This one was with my mom's side of the family. So like forty people showed up! We had pizza and a giant cake. Mwahahaha!

Now the boys on the other hand....

I've been eating lots of cake :3 -Ashton

I may or may not have set Calum on fire....-Luke

He did. -Calum

I stole Kenzie's graduation money. Shh! -Michael

So there you have it. Still dorks as usual. Wait....hey. Michael!!!!!!!!!


He's Your Teacher (Calum)

The only and absolute reason you somewhat enjoy gym class, is because you get to stare at your gorgeous teacher. He was over six feet tall, had dark hair and dark eyes, and the brightest smile you've ever seen. But the thing is, you weren't the most graceful of people....meaning, you tripped a lot. Mr. Hood took notice about the fifth time it happened. Mortifying.

"Alright guys. Today is going to be a fun one! Well in my opinion it is. I'm not sure about yours. Oh well!" He said enthusiastically. "Today we are playing football!" About half of the class cheered while the other half groaned in despair.
"Today's going to be fun guys. I promise. You won't be graded for this." Suddenly the atmosphere seemed to change. Everyone was instantly happier with this decision.

After changing into your school approved gym clothes (which means no showing your shoulders, knees, elbows, eyeballs, ears, or any kind of flesh on the body.) , you headed outside along with your classmates. Mr. Hood was busy setting up cones and goals and blah blah blah. Every time he bent over, one of the guys in your class would inhale sharply. He appreciated a wonderful booty. So did you. Oops.

"We're separating into two teams. Obviously. I'll be picking the team captains, then you'll take it from here. I'll be the referee and no one will be hitting Tyler with balls today. He's had enough trauma from when we played tennis."
Tyler whimpered from the middle of the crowd.
"Ryan. Sabrina. You'll be captains. Choose your teams."

Two people left. One for each team. And of course you were one of the two. Fabulous. Sabrina wrinkled her nose at you and picked the small, cute, scrawny boy instead. Ryan looked you over and shrugged.
"Yeah Ok. We'll take Y/N." Wow. The love was really radiating now.

"Great. We've got our teams. Play nice guys. I don't want to have to call the ambulance again Tyler." Mr. Hood stated. Tyler whimpered from the middle of the crowd.

No one passed the ball to you or really acknowledged you. No matter how hard you tried or yelled for someone to pass it to you, your classmates just wouldn't have it. Mr. Hood took notice and frowned.
"Y/N?" You ran over to him and started to apologize frantically.

"Whoa whoa. Why are you apologizing? You're not the one ignoring your classmates are you?" You shook your head.
"How about instead of going on with this, you can help me make the calls alright?"
You didn't really know what to say so you just nodded and said, "Cool beans." Which mortified you to no end. Mr. Hood laughed. Oh gosh.

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