Dedicated to IISuperwomanII

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Now before we go back to Doalim (which you voted for), I felt the need to get something off my chest. This doesn't have anything to do with 5sos, but you know me. I never follow the rules. I'm sorry.

But this chapter is dedicated to the amazing YouTuber IISuperwomanII. Why you ask?

Lilly Singh has inspired me to show you guys more love than I normally do. So I watched her Drawing My Life video and I cried. I'm not one to cry at videos, movies, or a lot really. So this was different for me.

Her story is very similar to mine and her words of encouragement were enough to get me to bawl. She made me feel like I could do anything. She inspired me to follow my dreams, along with 5sos of course. :P

So Kenzie. Why are you telling us this?

I'm telling you this because of two reasons. One, I hope to make you guys smile and laugh as much as Lilly's done for me. Laughter is one of the best things you can share. I hope to do this through my writing and something else.

The second reason, is that I may start a YouTube channel. We'll see how that works out, considering how awkward I am on camera, and I'm broke AF so I don't have an actual camera. Just crappy laptop camera. I don't know who would watch. And I don't know what I'd say. But I also wouldn't abandon Wattpad because this is where I finally felt like I had an impact on wonderful people.

I love Wattpad. And I love my Floppy Dishtowels. You helped me through so much and made me think of really weird ass preferences. I will never ignore you or think I'm above you. Seriously, without you, I wouldn't be doing this. No matter how "popular" these books become, I will always be your Kenzie and mama Dishtowel.

Superwoman made me realize that I could change someone's day through a simple joke or by validating someone. She has a very big heart and I aspire to be someone like her. I hope I can make a difference.

I'm not one of those people that can see themselves as working behind a desk or wearing a pantsuit thingy. I'm more creative (and also, anxiety exists.) I'm comfortable with social media. And before parents say "Social media is ruining your life." No. Don't listen to that. There are great influences on social media. Superwoman is definitely one of them. The internet is a place to connect with people around the world that are in the same situations, or like the same things.

There is nothing wrong with enjoying YouTube videos, fan-fiction, Vines, Twitter, and Snapchat. All of those things can make a difference. Whether it's good or bad isn't my problem. Ahem. Sorry.

I'm 18 now. I like Lilly Singh, Jacksepticeye, Dan and Phil, and Wattpad. Without them, I don't know where I'd be right now.

Floppy Dishtowels. You are amazing and you will make it through your struggles. Sometimes it's very hard. But you can read 5sos being donuts as many times as you want. I'm here. I'm flawed and I'm not perfect. Far from it. Anytime you feel down or alone, just know that I'm with you. It may not be in person, but I'm in your heart.

Awwww. Kenzie you're so sweet.

I know!

Stay strong, believe in yourself and your dreams. If anyone tries to bring you down, think about what you want. It's your decision and your life. And Kenzie loves you. Always and forever.

So back to Superwoman, I'd like to say that I love you and you give me inspiration to be more for myself and my Floppy Dishtowels.

This is my life and I'm going to make it great. Floppy Dishtowels, you make it even better. Thank you so much for your support and your love. Thank you for dealing with my non-5sos chapters. I know it's annoying, but you are amazing. Thank you.

Kenzie loves you so much. Don't ever forget that.

One love Superwoman that's a wrap ZOOOP! xx -Lilly

Awww. Floppy Dishtowels get all the love. -Ashton

I want some love. -Luke

Don't look at me. I have allergies. *wipes eyes* -Calum

Sure Cal. Whatever you say. -Michael

Lilly should read this. Just saying. -Ashton

She won't. -Luke

How do you know? -Calum

She's a unicorn. Kenzie's a horse with a paper towel roll on her head. -Michael

Hah. Whatup Superwoman reference. -Luke

This is terrible. -Calum

Only if you're closed minded. -Ashton

(I'd love if Superwoman read this. If you could please share this chapter, I'd thank you forever. I love you Dishtowels. I lava you.)

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