Snow Days

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Because it's been snowy and wonderful here, I thought "Hey why not make a preference that will warm me up with feels?" For this one, Calum's is my favorite ;) If you don't live somewhere that gets snow, grab some ice cubes and shove em down your pants. Stay cool.

AshtonYou sipped from your mug of hot chocolate and stared at the window, adjusting the sleeves on your baggy sweater. The snowflakes fell gracefully and blanketed the neighborhood with white. The sky was grey but beautiful at the same time. It was so peaceful. Ashton's hands took your waist and pulled you against him, instantly feeling the warmth. He rested his head on your shoulder and pecked your cheek. "Hello snow queen." He mumbled. You grinned and leaned into his chest. "Hello kangaroo king. Want some hot chocolate?" You asked and offered your mug. He smiled and took a drink, getting whipped cream on his lips. You let out a  giggle and looked at him. "What?" You pointed to his mouth. "You've got something on your face Ash." He pursed his lips and crossed his eyes, trying to get a glimpse of what you were talking about, making you laugh. He did his adorable little giggle and kissed you with his whipped cream lips. "Hmm. Yummy." You murmered. He pulled away and hugged your waist, bringing you closer. "Do you want to do something crazy?" He whispered. You raised an eyebrow and snuggled in his arms. "What did you have in mind?"

You stood in the doorway covering yourself, lightly shivering. "We're seriously going to do this?" Ashton right beside you, rubbed his hands together and jumped up and down. "C'mon the winner gets to choose what we do when we come back in!" He said excitedly. You took a deep breath and looked outside at the cold snow. "Fine. Let's get this over with." Ash counted to three and you both ran outside in your birthday suits, regretting it immediately. You squealed when you felt the frozen ground underneath your feet. Ashton being the complete dork he is, started rolling around in the snow laughing hysterically. Your hands covered yourself as you sprinted towards the freshly fallen snow and began doing snow angels. "Why the hell did I agree to this?!" You squeaked. Ashton rolled over to you and giggled. "Because you looooooooove me!" You grinned and shivered, reaching for him to warm you up. He looked at you in concern and scooped you up in his arms and carried you back inside. He managed to get your sweater and underwear back on and insisted that you didn't need more clothing. He then took you to the couch and wrapped you up in a fluffy blanket, holding you in his lap. You sighed in relief and cuddled into him. "Even though I won, I guess we can cuddle to warm up instead of my idea." He joked and you kissed his cheek. "Maybe later stud."

Luke"Give me your head!" He yelled, racing after you with a beanie in his hands. "No! Last time you put a beanie on me, it caught on fire!" You giggled and ran around the corner. "That was a year ago! Things change!" He said catching up to you. You squealed and slipped, almost going down when Luke caught you. "Wear the damn beanie!" He laughed. You pouted and ripped the hat out of his hands and pulled it over your head. "Fine. I'll wear the damn beanie." He kissed your forehead and pulled you upright. "I just don't want you to freeze love." You gave him a smile and hugged his torso, kissing his chest. "Thank you Lucas." His hands rubbed your back with the perfect amount of pressure to make you relax and turn into pudding. Ooh pudding. (The author took a small break to get some chocolate pudding. She's back now. Carry on.) "Ready to go look around babe?" He asked, bringing you back to reality. You nodded and grabbed your coat and scarf, adjusting Luke's beanie on your head. He grinned and took your hand and opened the hotel door. You were in Prauge celebrating your anniversary and it was absolutely beautiful. (If there are any Czech readers, I love you and I want to come visit you) As you walked out into the snow, you felt the crisp air hit your face. It was refreshing and light. Luke smiled and put an arm around your waist and walked with you down the streets of Prague. It was nighttime so all of the buildings were lit up. The view was the most amazing thing you've seen, all the different people and the excitement. Being there with Luke made your heart flutter. He looked insanely gorgeous by the way. He wore a black beanie, skinny jeans, his black sweater, and of course a black hoodie. You loved the way his hair looked pushed back into the beanie. The snow also added some cold romance. It was intimate and just perfect. "Y/N can I show you something?" He asked softly and brushed a snowflake off your nose. "Depends. Will I throw up or die?" You teased and he chuckled. "If you do I'd be very surprised and upset. So let's try not to let that happen." You giggled and lightly punched his arm. "Fine. Show me Jack Frost." He smiled brightly and led you towards the Charles Bridge. It was huge! The lights were lovely and the snow made it even more breathtaking. He brought you to the edge and wrapped you in his arms and rested his chin on the top of your head. "Isn't it beautiful?" He breathed and squeezed you softly. "Very. This is amazing Luke. Thank you for being my happiness." You murmured. He kissed the top of your head and spun you around. "Thank you for being my light Y/N. Everything's better with you. You make me me unbelievably happy. I love you so much sweetheart." He bent down and kissed you lightly at first, gradually getting to a heavier kiss with his fingers laced in your hair. It was cold, but your heart felt like it was glowing with heat and love.

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