"It's Ok to Cry Gorgeous"

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Hi floppy dishtowels! How are you? Good? I hope so. This one wasn't requested but I thought it would be good for those of you that are just feeling down or unloved. I love you. ❤❤❤ xx. Mikey's is a little more uplifting because you need it

AshtonYou sat on the couch, your hair out of your face, no makeup, wearing your pajamas and your heart on your sleeve. Today was just one of the bad days that you couldn't seem to turn around. Ash was busy with rehearsals and studio visits getting ready for the next big year for him. You hadn't eaten and you didn't get much sleep last night but you felt like you couldn't do either one. Your heart was just hurting. You didn't expect to see Ashton today and you decided you were glad. You really didn't want to show him your true feelings. The doorbell rang a few minutes layer and you sighed before getting up slowly. Turning on the lights, you unlocked the door and opened it to the face that could make you smile even when you didn't want to. "Hi lovely." He said softly and pulled you into his arms and against his chest. You held him tightly and started crying, not ever wanting to let go. He tangled his fingers in your hair and gently rocked you, kissing your forehead and telling you everything would be alright. "Y/N why didn't you tell me you were so sad? I would've tried to help before now love." He murmered and comforted you with his hug. You didn't feel like answering so you buried your head in his chest. Ashton frowned and lifted you off the ground and carried you back to the couch. He sat and collected you in his arms and just held you as you let out your hidden emotions. His hands brushed over your spine slowly trying to help you relax. "Y/N take a deep breath for me." He whispered and looked at your tearstained face. You did as you were told and breathed in deeply, focusing on your breath. "It's Ok to cry gorgeous. It's OK to be sad. You're not alone. I will help in anyway I can. But if you need to let it out, go right ahead." He comforted and kissed your forehead. You hugged his waist and cried, feeling the sadness bubble over.

Luke"You know it's OK to cry gorgeous." He said while running his fingers over your wrist and forearm. You bit your lip and forbid yourself from crying, trying to keep it together like you always have. You never cried in front of anybody let alone Luke. You didn't want to start now. "Y/N, love, I know you're not Ok. You don't need to pretend for me or hide it from me." He spoke softly. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, not wanting to let yourself be vulnerable. His arms wrapped around you and held you close. That's what broke you. The tears started rolling down your cheeks as you hugged him back. He rubbed your back and started singing "Wherever You Are" in his melodic voice. You finally allowed yourself to let go and cry, your body shaking and sobs wracking through your chest. You cried about all of the feelings and heartache you've shut out and at last let out. Something about Luke made you feel Ok about showing him your vulnerability and hurt. But mostly you realized it was Ok to cry. Luke kept singing softly and he wiped your tears away, knowing you were hurting.

CalumThings weren't going right at all and you had just had it. You got so upset that you started beating up your pillow and your poor teddy bear. You screamed and threw things at the wall, shattering and breaking them. You ripped apart books and notebooks that meant a lot to you, immediately regretting it afterwards. But you were too upset to focus on one thing. Calum walked in and found you with a broken vase in your hands, a small cut on your palm, your body shaking with anger and frustration. "Y/N! Baby what's going on?" He asked, taking the broken glass out of your hands and throwing it in the trash. You screamed and buried your face in your hands, not wanting to take it out on Calum. He lightly touched your arm and extended it, looking at the red line on your palm. You looked up at him and he placed a kiss to the wound. "Let's get you cleaned up love." He insisted and walked you over to the sink and started running cold water, gently placing your hand underneath. You hissed and he went through the cupboards to find a bandage and some antiseptic medicine. When he took your hand out from the stream of water, he wrapped it up and kissed the outside before looking in your eyes. "This one's a little more serious than the trophy incident isn't it?" He joked lightly and you smiled dully. "Y/N it's ok to cry gorgeous girl. I know you're upset." Your eyes watered and you threw your arms around his neck and cried. He stumbled a bit before catching his balance and holding you in his arms. "It's Ok sweetheart. Let it out. But I'd appreciate it if you didn't try to break my arm like that vase." He smiled and you let out a small laugh. "Sorry Calum." You choked out and he squeezed you softly. "The only thing that matters is that you're safe now and that you're not hurting yourself."

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