He Sees You Almost Naked For The First Time

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Okay so this chapter was written by XxLiamsLilWolfxX and it's really good. And Michael's and Calum's gets smutty ;)

"Oi, Y/N, we're going swimming! Do you want to join us?", your boyfriend Ashton yells from downstairs. You are sitting on your bed, reading your favourite book when Ashton calls you. You slam your book shut and open your bedroom door. "Sure, wait a minute!", you yell back. "Okay!", Ashton shouts again, before he giggles. You shut the door and sigh. Ashton has never seen you in a bikini. How is he going to react? Guess we'll see in a minute. You undress yourself and pull your bikini on. It isn't special, but it is revealing enough. You grab a towel from the bathroom and hurry downstairs. Ashton and the rest of the band are waiting for you, so they can swim in your backyard. When you are on the last step, it creaks, making the boys heads jerk up and look at you. Ashton's eyes almost fall out of their casts. "Holy shit, Y/N. You're beautiful.", Ashton says. You blush and try to cover your upper body with your arms, but makes your cleavage only more visible. Ashton grabs your wrists and holds them carefully. "Now, don't be shy with such a body.", he giggles. You smile, Ashton has made you a little more confident. But the boys are making you anxious. "Why are the boys staring?", you ask. Ashton kisses you softly and smiles. "Because they can't believe how lucky I am."

Luke: You come out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around your body. You walked to your dresser and pulled some underwear and pj's out. The door suddenly opened and Luke walked in your room. "Hey, Y/N. I wa- Oh my God, you're naked!", Luke yelped while he shielded his eyes from you. "I'm not naked, fool! I'm a towel.", you laughed. "But I almost saw you naked!", Luke turned his back from you while he said that. You chuckled and shook your head. "I know. Almost. But I don't mind. You're my boyfriend.", you say while you walk to Luke and kiss his cheek. "How'd you come in?", you ask. "Your mother let me. But she didn't mention you were in the shower.", Luke mumbled. You pull on your underwear and walked back to Luke. You turned him around and grabbed his hands away from his eyes. "Luke, it's okay.", you reassured him. He opened his eyes and smiled shyly. "Your like a little penguin, in your black and white underwear.", he whispered in your ear. You giggled. "American apparel underwear.", you smirked. Luke laughed and kissed you. "My penguin.", he repeated

Calum: Calum's lips were soft and fitted perfectly in yours. "You're so perfect.", Calum mumbled against your lips. You smiled through the kiss, which was getting more and more heated by the second. Calum's hands roamed your body while yours tugged on Calum's hairs, making him moan in your mouth. Calum's tongue ticked against your lips, so you opened your mouth. Your tongues explored each other's mouth over and over again. "Y/N, I want to make you feel good.", Calum said to your lips. You shake your head. "No, you don't.", you chuckled nervously while you pulled away. Calum nodded. "Yes, I do. I want to see your body, caress it. I'll be gentle, I'll always be gentle.", he promised. "Promise you won't run away screaming?", you asked. Calum nodded and kissed you again. You pulled away again and stick your hand in his face, your pinky sticking out. "Pinky promise?", you asked. Calum laughed but still wrapped his finger around yours. "Pinky promise. Can I make you feel good now?", he asked impatiently. "Yes.", you laughed. He slowly undressed you until you were in your underwear. His breath hitched while he carefully laid you back on your bed. "Still perfect.", he mumbled while he slowly kissed your jaw, going down with each kiss. "Per-fuck-ing-fect.", he said inbetween kisses, making you more comfortable with what you're doing. He went up again and kissed your lips. "Now miss Perfect, you'll be moaning my name over your perfect lips.", Calum smirked.

Michael: "Michael.", you groaned. You laid on the couch doing nothing. Michael came from the kitchen, eating out of a box cereal. "'Sup Babe?", he asked. "I'm bored! Amuse me.", you said. "We can do something. What you wanna do?", he asked while he walked to you and sat on you. You huffed and pushed his giant weight off you. "I dunno.", you shrug. "Maybe you need to get dressed first.", Michael laughed. You stuck your tongue out to him and got yourself off the couch. You walk upstairs and go through your bag. You stayed the night at Michael's, and packed a bag for the weekend. You grabbed a black skinny jeans and a cream knitted sweater. You pulled it on and laced your sneakers. You walked downstairs where Michael was waiting for you. "Leggo.", he said and pulled you from your phone, which laid on the table. "But Mike, my phone.", you whined. "Shhh, you won't need it.", he smiled and dragged you out of the house. But before Michael could close the front door, your sweater and jeans got stuck on the door handle and ripped it off your body. "Mierda!", you cussed while Michael's breath hitched for a moment, but soon laughed his ass off. "Oh my god, I would say you're beautiful but this is too funny!", Michael cackled. You blushed, because you only wore your underwear. "Michael, please bring me inside.", you pleaded. "Fine, but after I've told you you're beautiful.", he said while he wiped his laugh-tears away and wrapped his arms around you. "Y/N?", Michael asked. "What?", you snapped. "You're beautiful when you're almost naked.", Michael said. "Oh shut up and bring me inside.", you rolled your eyes. Michael chuckled and brought you inside. Plus, he bought you new clothes.

How come Calum and Michael get the sexy imagines?! ~Ashton

Cause we're sexy. ~Michael

What Clifford said. ~Calum

My little penguin! *heart eye emoji* ~Luke

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