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I know it's not Halloween yet, but October is all Halloween to me. So enjoy! Btw, Michael's is my fave ;) MWAHAHAHA!!!

Ashton: "Are you sure I don't look stupid?" You asked while you fixed your corset. Ashton stepped out of the bathroom and his eyes instantly went to you. "W-Wow you look beautiful." He said, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks. He looked so handsome in his costume and you were pretty sure you had the same expression on your face. This year the two of you dressed up as Emma and Hook from Once Upon A Time. "Are you about ready?" You asked and he nodded with a big smile. "Just need the hook. Otherwise I'd be captain captain." You giggled and slipped on your shoes. "I can't believe you asked me to Halloween ball. I never thought you would." You admitted. Ashton smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist and kissed your cheek. "Of course I asked you! Halloween, dancing, you in a lovely dress. What could be better?" You grinned and turned to peck his lips. "You got me." At the ball, the two of you were definitely the cutest couple. A lot of other girls came up to you obsessing over your costume choice. Most of them went on and on about Captain Hook though. Not that you were complaining ;). Ashton stole you away from the gushing girls and pulled you into his arms. "I hope you saved at least one dance for Hook." He said smiling. You put one hand on his shoulder and one in his. "I saved all my dances for you." The smile never left his face as he stared into your eyes and twirled you around. A few times his 'hook' moved lower and you kept having to move it back up. Cheeky monkey.

Luke: This year you were spending Halloween in Ireland due to his touring, but you didn't mind one bit. It was cold but that was perfect for the costumes you came up with. Luke was ecstatic when you told him who you wanted to dress up as. So Halloween day was supposed to be your 'tourist' day before his show later that night. The morning of, you put on your blue and silver dress, your 'glass' like flats, and your long blonde wig. You spent about an hour braiding the wig and making it look perfect. The makeup was a bit harder but it looked beautiful! After you emerged from the bathroom, you found Luke sitting on the bed with his blue sweatshirt, white hair, and staff. He grinned and stood up and extended a hand towards you. "Shall we Queen Elsa?" You curtsied and took his hand. "We shall Jack Frost!" Throughout the day you got different responses as you walked around as Elsa and Jack. A lot of people took pictures and got excited. Others gave you strange looks. Luke would stop every once in a while to take pictures with screaming girls, posing like he shooting ice at them. And every once in a while you'd be stopped to take pictures! You went into stores, restaurants, and window shopped for a good three to four hours. When it was time to go to the venue, you offered to go back to the hotel to change but Luke waved you off and winked. "I'm gonna do the show like this!" Backstage you met up with the other boys and got plenty of compliments just from Michael. He has a crush on Elsa ;) To excite the fans even more, you and Luke staged a cute picture of an 'ice battle' between Elsa and Jack. Awh. On stage the boys were all dressed in their Halloween costumes. You stood in the front row dancing in your dress when Luke called you up on stage. He surprised everyone by singing a duet with you. The song? Stop asking me Let It Go!

Calum: "Hey babe? Would you want to do a couples costume this year?" Calum asked while you were cuddling. (Awh) You raised an eyebrow and looked up at him. "What did you have in mind?" He twisted his fingers with yours and hugged you. "Maybe a Disney couple?..." You grinned and snuggled into his side. "Which Disney couple?" He kissed your cheek and squeezed your hips. "How about Prince Eric and Princess Ariel?" You giggled and nodded. "That would be a lot of fun Cal. What made you think of that?" He shrugged and blushed a little. "Just thought you'd look hot in bright red hair." You burst out laughing and hid your face in his chest. "I'll take that as a maybe." By the time Halloween rolled around, you pieced together both of your costumes and felt satisfied with the way they looked. Instead of going as seashell and mermaid tail Ariel, you decided to go as human...voiceless Ariel. Huh. When Calum got into his costume you almost lost your ability to breathe. He looked insanely handsome. Well almost as much as usual ;) He smirked when he saw you staring and tugged on your bright red hair. "You look lovely." He said softly. You blushed almost as red as the hair and looked down at your feet. His fingers lifted your chin up to look in your eyes. "Don't hide your pretty face from me." That night he took you to the Halloween party his family was having. Mali opened the door in her Red Riding Hood (GET IT???) costume and squealed at the two of you. "You two look so cute!" You smiled and hugged her and complimented her on her outfit choice. You walked inside with your arm through Calums' and greeted his parents who were dressed as Thing 1 and Thing 2. "Hi Y/N! Oh you look so adorable!" Joy exclaimed with a smile. "Thank you so much! Calum came up with the idea." You winked at him and Joy giggled. "Calum wanted to dress up like that?" You nodded and giggled with her. "Hey I was trying to be romantic." Calum pouted while putting his arm around your shoulders. You smiled and pecked his cheek. "It is romantic. Thank you Calum. I love you." He grinned proudly and hugged you. "I love you too princess!"

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