How He Reacts When You Give Birth

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Hello floppy dishtowels! This is a special chapter because my friend OliviaLovesDarkAngel (Your username still makes me smile like an idiot. I love you) came up with the idea and collaborated with me! We hope you like it! Thanks for writing with me babe ;)

Ashton"Breathe baby! Breathe!" He yelled over your screams. You squeezed his hand so hard and glared at him. "If I could breathe I would!!!!" You shouted. He gave you an apologetic smile and kept looking you in the eyes. "You can do this Y/N. She's almost here. Our baby is almost here." He said soothingly and you felt his lips touch your forehead. "Ok Y/N one more push! Take a deep breath and push!" The doctor encouraged. You inhaled and pushed and let out a cry in pain. Ashton was smiling and looking over you and holding your hand. "Almost there baby." You finished pushing and you suddenly heard the cry of your baby girl. You fell back against the bed and Ashton peppered your face with kisses. "You did it Y/N. Our baby is here. You did so amazing love." He whispered and held your face. He was so calm and soothing that he made you forget about the pain. You smiled and kissed him before the nurse brought your baby wrapped in a soft yellow blanket and set her in your arms. You felt tears run down your cheeks as you looked at her tiny face. She was beautiful. Ashton climbed on the hospital bed with you and kissed the top of your head. "Our little kicker is finally here. And not kicking my spleen!" You cried happily. Ashton chuckled and put his finger against the baby's soft skin. Your newborn opened her eyes and grabbed onto Ashton's finger and held on tight. You smiled and looked up at Ash and his face was filled with joy. "She's just barely born and she's already got me wrapped around her finger."

Luke:  "Luke please calm down, please." You say as you watch your husband pace around the room and then he stops to look at you. "I'm sorry I'm just very nervous about our baby girl..." "I know you are, but I'm delivering her so you're making me nervous please just sit down." "You're right you're right I'm just I can't believe I'm a dad." He says when he finally calms down and sits.

 *2 hours later*

 "Babe go get the doctor, Luke? Luke wake up!" You say as you throw your book at him. "I'm up I'm up! I'm going! I'm going sorry." He says and moments later is back with the doctor holding your hand. "Okay Y/N i'm going to need you to take deep breaths because your baby is coming." As soon as the doctor says that you squeeze Luke's hand. "Luke I'm scared what am I supposed to do I don't..." Luke cuts you off by kissing you. "Relax and do what the doctor says I love you. You're going to be fine."

 *3 hours later*

"Luke she is Beautiful and she is ours." "Yes she's beautiful just like her mother."

Calum: "Y/N are you okay do I need to help you?" Calum called to you as he was in the other room. "He's coming Calum we got to go we got to go!" As soon as he hears he's coming, he runs in the room and helps you up. "Okay okay you go to the car and I'll grab the diaper bag!" he yells as he grabs the bag and helps you into the car.

 *15 minutes later*

 Calum runs into the hospital as you waddle in through the door. "Can I get a doctor please my wife is waddling in to here like a freaking penguin she needs a doctor!" *luke lol* Calum says as they bring you a wheelchair. "I'm sorry sir but you're going to have to wait in here." The doctor says. "I'll be fine Calum go. Please listen to the doctor I love you I'll be okay I promise." "Alright babe I love you."

 *3 hours later*

 You are reunited with Calum. "Look he's so handsome just like his father." "Babe look at him he's ours." "Calum I think I'm going to name him Luke." "Why babe?" "Because I had to waddle in like a penguin to have him!" You say as you both laugh and call Luke and tell him about the news and he laughs along.

Michael"Michael?" You asked, pausing from eating your cereal. "Yeah babe?" You looked at him with wide eyes. "The baby's coming." He stood up and his bowl of cereal went flying. "I-I'll clean that up later. The baby's coming?! Are you sure?" He panicked. You blinked. "Either I'm having the baby or I have some serious bladder issues." He waved his hands in the air, unable to process what was happening. "Ok Ok!! Hospital is where babies are!" He yelled and ran upstairs. "Michael! Everything we need is down here!" You heard him run into a wall, curse, and run back downstairs. "Right! Got it! I knew that!" He said nervously and found the bags and the keys. You stood up and waddled towards the door taking deep breaths. "Baby Clifford is making his way!" He screamed and opened the door for you and threw the bags in the backseat. You sat calmly in the passenger seat and waited for your dork of a husband to get in. As he got in, he hit his head on the roof of the car and cursed. You giggled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "C'mon Mikey. We're having a baby."

As you waited to give birth, Michael would not shut up. "What if he hurts you? What if he's confused and doesn't know where to come out? What if he comes out with green hair? What if he doesn't like me? What if he claws through your stomach instead? What if he's secretly plotting against me?" You rolled your eyes and kissed him to shut him up. He relaxed a bit and pulled back. "What if he isn't as sweet as you?" He asked with a look of concern. You touched his cheek and smiled. "What if you don't shut up?"

You pushed and pushed, the baby getting closer and closer. Michael was doing Lamaze all on his own. He was doing pretty good. He looked over and got dizzy. "So that's a lot of pain..." He said before he passed out and fell on the floor. A nurse looked at you. "Is he Ok?" You waved her off and took a breath. "He'll be fine. I'm the one having a damn baby."

You were holding your baby boy in your arms a few days later as Michael wheeled you out to the car. He was so happy to take you both home. He was a daddy! He got back to the car and tried to find his keys. "Y/N have you seen the keys?" He asked. You cooed at the baby and shook your head. "Not since we got here." His eyes widened and he looked in the window of the car. There they were. On the drivers seat. "Son of a-"

(First preference of book two!!! Let's celebrate! Where's the whiskey? Thank you so much OliviaLovesDarkAngel! It was fun writing with you! I love you! And your username ;) That is my favorite username.)

Aw baby girl Irwin. She's so sweet. Good job Y/N ;) -Ashton

Ow. *rubs head* That book was heavy. But at least we got a baby out of it! Well not out of the book..out of you. YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!!! I'll shut up now. -Luke

My little penguin :3 I can't believe we have a son named Luke...-Calum

I'm not doing well am I? Dammit. SO CLOSE!!! Then the freaking car keys! -Michael

HA! I did better than you did! -Luke

*slaps Luke with fish* -Michael

Where the hell are you guys getting these fish?!? -Calum

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