*Cough* Hey Guys

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Well...it's been a week since I updated. I'm sorry I'm such a Noob. I apologize. I'm back dishtowels.

Thank you guys so much for the birthday wishes! I had a great day and I absolutely loved all of your comments, tweets, votes, and cute pictures! It means the world to me that you took the time to do that. Thank you so much floppy dishtowels.

I had a lot of fun at Fort Fun and I got two figurines of Sadness from Inside Out! I love her. Don't judge me. I also got a cute bracelet and Anthony said he got me a locket with moonstone on it! I'm excited!

But the best part was getting to brag about how amazing my floppy dishtowels are ;) I love you more than anything. Seriously. I'm so sappy, the trees are jealous.

So I hope you guys liked the fun Doalim chapters that I wrote for you! If you'd like the continuation, let me know! I want to write chapters you will get into and actually like. So I'm going to try something new!

I'm going to give you dishtowels two chapter ideas and you get to vote which one you like better. If this works, I'll keep doing it! If not, I will go back to the normal way!

For the first vote, would you rather read about more Doalim, or the time Michael ran into a door on a sled? Let me know in the comments below!

I could totally be a YouTuber.... Psh.

For this chapter, I shall tell you Cashton's Snapchat adventures. Enjoy.

Snapchat Adventures

"Wait put your arm around me and pretend like we're on a date." Calum said, holding up his phone. Ashton gave him a look of confusion and shook his head.
"Or we could just take a normal picture first."
Calum shrugged and took a picture of the two of them grinning at the camera.
"And it's in our story. We're gonna eff them up." Cal smirked, watching all of the 5sos fam freak out about them having a Snapchat.
"Lemme try." Ashton clicked threw the filters and found one with bug eyes.
"Found it." He made a wonderful face and giggled. He posted it to their story and looked over at Calum who was taking a picture of his butt.
"Should I leave you two alone?" Ashton said, raising an eyebrow.
Cal spun around and gave him a sheepish smile.
"You're welcome. You know they'll love it."

(What is this? I don't know. Kenzie stop talking to yourself. Shut up. No you shut up. You're being ridiculous. No I'm not. You're stupid. Stop. I love pizza. Ok you win.)

Ok....Kenzie is gone. -Ashton

I'm a little scared. But I'm also a little impressed. -Luke

My butt is fabulous. Ain't no shame in that. -Calum

I'm beyond confused. What's happening? -Michael

No clue. But it doesn't matter. Just ignore her. -Ashton

Got it. -Michael

Why does Donald Duck wear a towel when he gets out of the shower, but doesn't wear pants normally? -Kenzie

Whoa. That's such a good question. -Luke

Uh oh. She's got Luke. -Calum

This got real. -Michael

Why are driveways called that when you just park in them? -Kenzie

Huh. -Ashton

Great. Ash is gone too. -Calum

What if pizza didn't exist? -Kenzie

Nooooooooooo!!!!!! -Michael

*sighs* -Calum

5SOS Preferences and Requests (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now