Winners Of The Dark Angel Contests!

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Gosh you guys. You made these contests so hard! Thank you to all of you that sent in entries! It was so hard to eliminate entries and I almost cried because all of them were so good! But I finally made a decision. Below you will find the winners of all four contests. Love you.

Contest 1 (The Create Your Own Character On Ashton's Side)


Contest 2 (Determines Whether Alessa Is Dark or Light)


Contest 3 (Poem/Prophecy)


Contest 4 (Favorite Enochian Phrase and Chapter/Helps with Mystery Project for 2nd Book)


Those are the winners! Yes there are two winners for contests three and four because I couldn't narrow it down anymore. So for the poems, one will be included in one chapter, and the other in another chapter!

Pizzaislife257 I adored your prediction! It was very creative and I never thought of that! Shh don't tell anyone ;)

As for the two lovely ladies that won the fourth contest, I'll have something special for both of you to do ;) stay tuned. I'll be messaging you about it!

RiRiLovesU, message me your decision as to what team Alessa will be on ;)

PizzaisLife257, message me your character name, wing color(s), eye colors, personality, and if you can a backstory! If not I'll think of something ;)

paralyzed- and moshpitmikey, you two had really amazing answers to what your favorite Enochian phrase was. I loved them both so much. For those of you who have no idea what I'm talking about, paralyzed- said Aziazor and moshpitmikey said Doalim. The reasoning behind them was beautiful. Loved it.

I'm so excited to use the poems in the book and I'm excited to see what the winners come up with!

Congratulations guys!!! Pizzaislife257 can't wait to see who joins the dark side ;) -Ashton

Great. Alessa's fate is in RiRiLovesU's hands. Fantastic. Love you....maybe. -Luke

This is exciting! Lemme get my popcorn! -Calum

I just read Pizzaislife257's prediction of what happens in the book. I'm very impressed. -Michael

I didn't know you read....-Ashton

*coughs* Fan-fiction. -Luke

*glares* There's still words. -Michael

If you two don't stop bickering, I'll use some of the other predictions on you. Some of them aren't very nice. -Kenzie

I love you Michael!!! -Luke

I know you do Luke! -Michael

Hey. :------( -Luke

Again with the fucking noses. -Michael

*erases happy stuff from The Dark Angel* I will do it. -Kenzie

*shuts up* -Michael and Luke

*comes back with popcorn* What did I miss? -Calum

Everything. -Ashton

*looks between Michael and Luke and throws popcorn at them* Fight! -Calum

*throws wrench at Calum* -Ashton

What the fuck?! -Calum

If you can dodge a wrench.....-Kenzie

YOU CAN DODGE A BALL! *throws ping pong ball at Calum* -Luke

Why is this happening? -Calum

Kenzie's delusional again. -Ashton

Hi I'm Kenzie! I enjoy long walks on the grass and pancakes in my potatoes! Mehehe! -Kenzie

Ok Kenzie. Bed time. -Michael

*throws frying pan at Michael* Never Madame Mim!!! -Kenzie

We're going to be ending this chapter on her behalf. We apologize for the inconvenience and weirdness...-Ashton

Bye guys!! Love you! -Luke


Sure you will. -Michael

(Ok I don't know what happened here xD I'm sorry. I'm sleep deprived.)

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