The Girl Who Cried Wolf

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Sorry Floppy Dishtowels! I fell asleep last night before I could update this! I apologize for my sleepiness.

So who all has SGFG? I know I do! I was the first one to buy one at the Target in my city...I was up early.

I went down to my grandparents place and helped them pack for their move in a few weeks. Also doesn't hurt that they gave me a little extra cash for the concerts coming up.

You guys have been so sweet with the comments on the last chapter. Thank you so much for making me feel worth something. I don't know what I'd do without you.

Today I am a year clean and haven't self harmed since. I can't believe I made it. You've all been so supportive. Thank you for your help and kind messages. ❤

My favorite song on the album right now is either Vapor, Broken Home, or Permanent Vacation! So many great songs on this album! I hope you all get to see them live this next year :)

I won't be going since I'm kinda broke (Hey Everybody!) But I hope to see all of your lovely experiences!

As usual, Kenzie's babbling. Without further ado, here is The Girl Who Cried Wolf

Luke's P.O.V

My chest tightened and I downed another pill. The night was coming to an end and I still didn't feel better. If only she didn't come into my life. Maybe I'd be happy.

"Y/N? Hello? Is anyone there at all?" I sighed, knocking on her door. "I'm not leaving." I mumbled and sat with my back against the door.
Every day this week she said she'd be here. And every day; she wasn't.
I was getting tired of her lying to me. Using me.

"Luke?" I looked up and there she was. Standing in front of me with a boy attached to her hip.
"Who's this twerp?" He scoffed, looking me over.
"This twerp is her best friend. Have some respect." I shot back.
Y/N glared at me and placed her hand on his chest.
"Be nice babe. He's harmless." She cooed, stroking his chest. Barf.
"Why is he here?" He grumbled.
Y/N looked at me and sighed.
"He's here because I've been neglecting him. He just wants to hang out with me."
I crossed my arms and glanced at the scum next to my best friend. I could tell he was bad news.
"Fine. But only for an hour." He said strictly, acting as if he owned her.
"Only an hour. I promise." She smiled and kissed his overly structured cheekbone.

That hour went so fast. I could barely get a word out with her gushing about "prince charming". She didn't listen to what I had to say. My head hurt.

2 am. Y/N called. He hit her tonight because she said no.

"I'm such an idiot!" Y/N cried, clinging to my shirt. I wanted to comfort her. I wanted to love her.
"I'm never going back to him again! I hate him!" That was fine with me. As long as my Y/N was safe with me.

One month later. Y/N got back together with him. He brought her flowers and earrings. If he knew Y/N like I did, she'd prefer food and books. But she accepted them anyway because she's too god damn nice.

She flaunted him everywhere, saying how much he's changed. It made me sick. The way he looked at other girls butts when she wasn't looking. The way he didn't care about her interests. The way he treated her. She didn't see it. She's so clueless.

She called me again. This time he pushed her down the stairs. She had bruises on her arms and face.

"It's nothing Luke. I'm Ok. He said he wouldn't do it again." She sipped her tea and pulled at her long-sleeved sweater. She wore it to hide the marks he left.
"That's what you said last time. He will do it again. That's how he is. He's the big bad wolf. You're sweet little Red Riding Hood."
She rolled her eyes and grabbed her purse.
"I'll see you later Luke."

I hadn't heard from her in days. She didn't answer my calls.

When I got the call from the emergency room, I knew I was too late.

Seeing all of the wires and needles made me angry. Who would do this to anyone? Especially Y/N. She doesn't deserve it. I love her.

I stayed with her in the hospital for five days. I sang to her. I liked to think she heard me through the coma.

She woke up. She threw a pillow at me and cried because I wasn't him.
"Y/N goddamn it! Look at me in the eye!" I snapped, making her stare at me in shock.
"Look. Every time you say to me "it's over" with him, you wanna start again. I don't know what you see in him. He's hurt you. Y/N can't you understand that he won't stop."

That was the last time she spoke to me. She yelled at me and told me I was crazy. Maybe I am. I fell for the girl that cried wolf.

(Oh god. I don't know how well this turned out. I tried.)

Huh. She rejected Luke. -Ashton

But :'( -Luke

This actually made me tear up. -Calum

Eh. -Michael

*sobs ugly tears* -Kenzie

She gets too attached. -Ashton

She has the correct response. -Luke

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