YouTuber in the Making?

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So guys I actually did it. I recorded (a really crappy) YouTube video! I really hope you guys like it and decide to keep watching!

My channel is kkn51. My first video is called Giraffes and Mental Illness. Don't worry. You'll figure it out.

Thank you Floppy Dishtowels so much for supporting me in everything I do. I hope I don't let you down.

Please spread the video (if you like it psh) and gimme some love! You guys are so amazing. I even mentioned all of you in the video! Go subscribe! Tell your mom! Tell your cat! Tell the squirrel in that tree!

I have a feeling (maybe) that this could be the start of something even bigger and I want you all to be a part of it. You helped me this far :) Thank you.

Writing will resume shortly and you will be getting your 5SOS fix ASAP!

I love you.

-Kenzie xx

Awwwwww. -Ashton


Oi. -Calum

Let him do it. He won't bother us anymore. -Michael

*3 Hours Later*

Did you see how awkward she was? But her cute giggle! UGHHH! -Luke

Can we duct tape him now? -Calum

Already on it. *rips off piece of duct tape* -Michael

5SOS Preferences and Requests (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now