17 Days (Luke)

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Heyyy Floppy Dishtowels! Luke is here! 17 days until the birthday girl turns 18! Whoop whoop! Let's have some more fun huh?

Y/N Meets Kenzie: Cont.

The boys all looked at you with happy expressions upon their faces. Luke was the first one down the stairs to crash into you.
"Y/N! Kenzie told us all about you! We love you!" He said excitedly, the other boys following.
"Yeah she said you were lovely. She was right." Michael acknowledged with a smirk.
"No hitting on Y/N unless she's given you consent." Kenzie cut in, being the polite person she is.
"Sorry." All four of them mumbled. You giggled and hugged each of them, holding onto them just a little bit longer than normal.
"Quite a huggy one you are." Calum chuckled while giving you a squeeze.
"What's your point?"

"Ok guys. Be good to Y/N. I'll be right upstairs if you need me. Don't burn anything down. Yes I'm talking to you Luke." Kenzie glared at Lucas. He looked at the ground and was ashamed of what he's done.
"What are you doing up there?' You questioned Kenzie.
She spit the hair out of her mouth and composed herself as much as she could.
"I am going to work on my short story for college." (Which she should really be working on.) "I'm writing Luke's perspective of when he arrived in Doalim. Hopefully my class won't look at me like I'm crazy. Good luck. Don't kill each other. Adios." She climbed the stairs towards her room and closed the door with a soft click.
"Now the fun begins!" Michael announced.

According to Michael, the fun included making a makeshift slingshot out of rubber bands and Popsicle sticks. He tested it by flinging cereal at Luke.
"Ow. Why? Cereal is a dangerous substance." He pouted, rubbing his forehead.
You found this all incredibly amusing considering you were in the presence of 5SOS.
"So Y/N, anything fun happen this summer?"
*insert your summer plans and activities*
"Wow that sounds really interesting. Who did you go with?"
*insert all participants*
"Wish I got to do that."
Ashton was asking you so many questions about how your summer was and how your life was in general. He listened intently and smiled at you with his amazing smile. Ugh.
"Calum! Over here!" Michael yelled, his hands open wide.
Calum, from the other side of the room, threw Luke's snapback.
"Guys! Stop!" Luke whined, trying to get it back.
Man they picked on him a lot.

When they stopped throwing the snapback, they decided to throw Kenzie's bra back and forth.
"What are you doing?" You asked, worried about what the hell was going on.
"We do this when we're bored." Michael answered, throwing the booby trap to Calum.
"It's better than throwing something heavy." Ashton suggested, the bra flying towards him.
"Doesn't Kenzie get bothered when you do that?"
The boys all looked at each other.
"I don't think she knows we do this..." Luke spoke softly.
The bra fell to the floor and they all stared at it.
"It's too far away." Michael whined. They all made their grabby hands towards the garment.
"It's gone forever." Ashton stated and sat on the couch.
You raised an eyebrow at them and picked up your phone, a new update from LouTommo11 on Wattpad.
"I thought she was writing her short story." You muttered and Calum looked over your shoulder.
"Ah. She does that. She'll try to get serious, then she'll end up going on Wattpad instead. It's sad."
Ashton nodded and Luke had layed down on the floor with his incredibly long limbs spread out.
"I think it's cute." Luke whispered, making you smile. These boys are a big part of yours and Kenzie's lives.
"It's cute until she's waking you up at four am with a new idea." Ashton yawned, resting his head on Michael's shoulder.
You stood up and walked up the stairs towards Kenzie's sanctuary.
"Where are you going?" Luke squeaked from the floor.
"Going to hang out with Kenzie."

You knocked softly on her door and waited for her royal shortness to open it. When she did, her face lit up.
"I thought you were going to be Luke with bad news about another appliance."
You giggled and walked into her room while she closed her door.
Her walls were covered with a signed 5sos poster, a hand drawn portrait of 5sos by her cousin, another two 5sos posters, and a signed poster of All Time Low. It made you smile.
Her bookshelf stood out to you as well. All of her books were organized by color and looked like a happy rainbow of words.
It was a smallish room, but Kenzie didn't seem to mind.
"I like your room." You smiled and she bounced onto her bed.
"Why thank you. I like it too. I write a lot in here." She patted the bed next to her.
You sat on the squishy bed and glanced at the Tinkerbell blanket covering the window on the door to a small patio.
"Why do you have that blanket there?"
She looked over to where you were looking.
"Ah. That's to keep the light out. I am a creature of darkness. The light doesn't agree with me."
You laughed and rested your head on her shoulder. Kenzie grinned and patted your head.
"There there baby dishtowel. Thank you so much for everything."

(Awwh we're so cute aren't we? We are. Yay! 17 days until Kenzie's birthday!)

Random Kenzie Things:

When Kenzie writes, she listens to just about everything besides 5sos. How weird is that?

17 days. Wee. Who cares? -Ashton

*hides cupcakes and presents* Psh. Not me. -Calum

Awwh. -Michael

What'd you get her? -Ashton

Um. Cards Against Humanity and pancake mix. -Calum

Sign me the fuck up! -Michael

Cards Against Humanity? Really Calum? -Ashton

She's not exactly the most polite person. -Calum

Very true. Where's Luke? -Michael

*in the kitchen making homemade cards* -Luke

That's oddly cute. -Ashton

I'm gonna join. -Calum

Of course you are. -Michael

Mike what did you get Kenzie? -Ashton

A life. -Michael

Dumbleburn. -Dumbledore

5SOS Preferences and Requests (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now