He's A Pancake

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Hola me floppy dishtowels! Is it getting weird for me to keep calling you that? No. Cool. I just wanted to let you know I've got my first hater! Thanks for the awesome mention! Love you too! (Shhhhh. I'm killing them with kindness. Is it working?)

Anyways, on to more important things. So one of my favorite preferences is the Pancakes one from my first book. (Over 4.8 Million reads now Ohmygod.) So I figured, hey! I've made 5SOS into other weird food products so why not pancakes? Enjoy! xx


The pancake lay flat on your plate with a small cube of butter laying on its surface. It was beautiful. You grabbed the syrup and doused your lovely pancake with the mapley goodness. That's not even a word but it's perfect to describe the situation. "Mm. Tastes like syrup." You heard a voice say. You looked around and then at the floor. "Satan? Is that you?" A laugh came from in front of you and you squeaked softly, almost falling out of your chair. "Who's laughing?! I'm alone with my pancake! Why would you disturb this time of serenity?!" You yelled at...well nothing and no one. "Relax butter face! I am your pancake. Well I'm an Ashton made pancake. No one is disturbing your time serenity with me." The same cocky voice replied. Blinking, you picked up your fork and lightly jabbed at the pancake, hearing a slight yelp. "Hey! No stabby stabby! It's not a pleasant feeling." The oh mighty pancake whined. "So it is you making that racket!" You concluded and raised an eyebrow. "I don't remember putting any 'happy pills' in my pancakes....." The butter on the talkative pancake slid off onto the plate and you heard a loud, "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!" You waited for him to finish while drinking your glass of orange juice. When he finally stopped and took a deep breath, you placed another cube of butter on top of him and he made the cutest sound of joy. "By butter buddy! You're back! I almost lost my mind!" He spoke to the butter. Uh. "Almost?" You muttered and listened to him whisper sweet nothings to his butter buddy. "Oh butter. I don't ever want to be separated from you again!" Within a minute the butter had once again melted and slid off the side. You braced yourself as he started sniffling. (Pancakes can't sniffle Kenzie.) "Now it feels we're close as strangers..." He sang softly and sobbed, the syrup bubbling and going everywhere. "Ok. This is gross and disturbing. I'm leaving." You announced, getting up from the table. "No please don't leave! My life won't be butter without you!" Pancake puns.


Blueberry pancake, blueberry pancake, no you made no mistake. Hemmings is a pancake. A blueberry pancake! Yo. Word.


For Calum, pancakeism was a way of life. It was simple. Wake up, pancake, syrup, pancake some more, pancake, and sleep. It was sometimes a tough schedule, but he endured. He enjoyed the freedom in his dough bubbles, the wind in his...pancake. It was a great life no doubt. Until someone stabbed you in the back. Literally. He has a bite taken out of him now. He calls it his battle wound. Someday he'd like to have little pancakes with a special pancake. He's still waiting for the right one. He hopes she has big butters. But for now, he's enjoying being a single pancake, syrup included. What a great day holy crepe.


Pour pour, hiss hiss, oh for goodness sake. Why am I a goddamn pancake?

(Wow Kenzie! You're so creative! Awwh thanks Kenzie! I like your face! Dawww Kenzie. Shut up.

Yay the boys are pancakes! Finally!

I hope you guys still like my writing....xD)

Hah. Holy crepe. I get it. -Ashton

Mine was a sick rap yo! *tries to breakdance and trips over noodle legs* -Luke

I don't understand....-Calum

Hey. Mine looks familiar. But what could it possibly be??? -Michael

Crepe mate. Holy crepe. It's funny. -Ashton

Help. *tangled in legs and noodles* -Luke

Not again. *sighs and goes to help Luke* -Kenzie


Oooh. Crepe. Hahahahahahahahahahahahah -Calum

5SOS Preferences and Requests (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now